Thursday, December 27, 2012



The in-laws came over and we had our Christmas with them
around noon.

They gave the kids each a dvd,
tony a fleece jacket and fleece pj bottoms,
me a shirt and iron teddy bear pan.
And then a huge turkey breast and a bag of food-
-2 bags noodles
-2 spaghetti
-2 bags rice
-bag of potatoes
-bag of pasta shells

We should have enough food now, lol.

Once they left we headed to Hoover Dam
looking for a place to sled.
It seemed like all places were closed off so
headed over to Alum Creek park in Westerville.

Back home and grabbing a bite to eat.
Then need to head out to the thrift store
to find one jacket and a couple pairs of boots for the kids.
Will have to search high and low for cheap ones
due to not having much money at the moment.
But it's something that is needed and can't wait to have.
Oh crap, I just remembered that my one favorite
thrift store had a half price sale this week,
maybe yesterday.  I'll bet they are wiped out of stuff
but will go anyway to see.


Got my crock pots going.
Had to put my beans in the larger crock pots to get done
because the smaller crocks don't get up to very high temps.

In the crock pot buffet I have potatoes going
for some ham and potato soup
and some deer burger with a can of tomatoes
for the chili. 

And I have yet a smaller crock going in my
living room with some scented wax, lol.

I love my crocks!


The thrift stores were a flop.
Didn't find boots or a jacket in the sizes I needed. 
I did get-
1 can campbells cream of mushroom soup .50 cents
1 can chili beans with sauce .50 cents
1 bag of red kidney beans .90 cents
plastic Velveeta cheese container .90 cents
long heating pad $3.93 


It's 7pm and both kids are asleep.
Something's wrong with this picture!


I got my chili and ham & potato soup done.
Most of the ham and beans is done.
I have a ham bone in a large crock with
leftover oranges, pineapple, water
and seasoning.  Will use some of this broth
in the ham & bean soup tomorrow to add more flavoring.
Loving my crock buffet.
I managed to get enough meals made
for the next three days in one day.
One step ahead of the game.

I'm tired now.  Maybe the kids are onto something
by going to bed early.

Yawnnn, I do have a new heating pad to try out :0)


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