Wednesday, January 8, 2014



Well I got at least one kid back to school today.
Hoping the other feels well enough to go back tomorrow.

My GI doctor's nurse finally returned my call today
after calling and leaving a message Monday.
Monday, hellooo it's now Wednesday
and I called about needing a prescription refill 
because I'm about out of my pills.
She said unless I make an appointment
I can't get a refill on my prescription.
The reason she said, is that they haven't 
seen me in a year with a follow up appointment.  
I bit my tongue and wanted to say, 
well you saw me 2 x's between November & December
in the hospital.  And when I went to make a 
follow up appointment in November it took
a whole month to be seen that I ended up back in the hospital
before my follow up appointment.
Didn't you get enough information, tests, money and
everything you ever wanted out of me
from the hospital then?!
Because of course you know they charged me for
having my GI doctor come to the hospital for
his visits and colonoscopy.
And your GI doctor diagnosed me with Colitis
when I really had C. Diff. 

Then she says,
normally our next appointment would be available in March
but we now have a nurse practitioner you can
see so we can get you in next Thursday.
So I'm thinking again,
if you hadn't of hired this new nurse practitioner
I would of had to wait til March to be seen
just to get my prescriptions refilled?!

Then I ask if she might have any 
free samples of my medicine because my prescription
is so expensive and also due to the wait
of being seen before I get them refilled.
She says she doesn't have any but she could
send me paperwork to fill out to see if I can
qualify for a discount on my prescription
through the maker of my medicine.
I can fill it out and return it back to the office
when I see them and they'd fill out the rest for
me and send it to the company.
UH, I've been going to this office for 2 years or so
now and why is this just now being told to me?!

And while I am on a roll should I also add
in that I have 4 days to submit paperwork
to try and get assistance with my hospital bill
and I have yet to get anywhere with hubby's
work getting me his paycheck stubs
back to September for income verification.

Well that is all for now with my venting.
Going outside to look for a money tree
for yet another doctor bill and 
prescription that is needed.


Instead of spaghetti & meatballs I've decided
to do a spaghetti casserole.
I used ingredients I had on hand.

Break spaghetti into thirds and boil in a pot of water, drain.
In a skillet fry up 1 pound deer burger, drain.
Add in a can of spaghetti sauce, 3 packets splenda,
1 small container of Helluva Good Greek yogurt ranch dip
and mix together.  Stir in 2 large eggs til well blended.
Dump in spaghetti and stir all together.
Pour into large casserole dish sprayed with cooking spray.
Top with shredded cheddar cheese.
Bake 350 degrees for about 25 minutes.


Hubby is still not home and who knows when he is expected.
He says they still have pipe freeze ups and 
there have been floods in apartments from burst pipes.
Is it Monday yet???


Hubby got home earlier long enough to pull into
the drive way and leave again, literally.
I went with him and we are now just getting home.
We had a furnace only getting to 40 something
degrees in one apartment and in another
apartment a pipe burst and flooded it.
There was about 3 or so inches of water all
over the entire apartment.
The resident had to find somewhere else to stay tonight
because sub contracting carpet extractors
that the apartment complex uses are so booked full
from busted water lines all over Columbus.
So far hubby has 14.5 hours for today.
Like I said, is it Monday yet?!
Monday is when he goes off call.

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