Tuesday, June 4, 2013



I spent my night coughing and hacking.
My ribs feel as though someone has beat
me with a baseball bat.
Food isn't appetizing because I can't smell
anything and my taste buds are on strike.
Oh what fun this is.
Three days of this full blown crap now
and still trying to get around like it's just
another day.  Like I said mom's aren't supposed
to get sick so I keep on truckin through
anything and everything no matter how miserable I feel.

I have bills to do this morning being the first of the month, oh yeah.
Boy I got a clear head to figure all those out, lol.
Everything looks a little foggy.

This evening hubby has to close
three pools at 9:00pm at his work then tomorrow
he has the on call pager til next Tuesday.
Next Wednesday he goes on vacation.
And I just realized that next Saturday we're
leaving for Michigan.  Boy that snuck up there
pretty darn fast.  I have nothing planned for that yet.
We've been trying to find some used tires for my truck.
You would think with the style of truck I have,
a chevy suburban, there would be all kinds of 
used tires from vehicles like pick up trucks,
vans, tahoes, suburbans.  It's like finding a needle
in a haystack!  I keep checking Craigslist,
used tire stores, flea market & yard sales.
And there's even a couple different size tires I could use.
Now I need a third tire because my rear passenger
tire is cupped making my suburban ride like a bus
bouncing up and down.
Last year's trip with the truck was horrible.
It acted up the whole time slipping gears.
We did a lot of praying on our road trip.
Soon after getting home from our trip
the transmission went out.

Thank goodness our hotel is in a small town
this time around and not out in BFE with nothing 
around it like last year.  There's a taco bell or mcdonalds within
walking distance of the hotel.  For one of our meals
I had thought about getting a couple Little Ceasars pizzas
and packing them in the cooler.
And of course I make ham and cheese tortilla
roll ups for each of our cooler totes
for the race track lunch.  I cannot afford to buy
food from vendors at the race track!
At least breakfast is served at the hotel each morning.
And... let's hope it does not rain this year
at the track.  We had a two hour rain delay last
year.  It rained cats and dogs and we were pretty
much soaked.
So far I see about 77-79 degrees for a high
for Father's Day weekend in Michigan.


Bills are all done and in the mailbox.
Now time to go start laundry.
I wasn't able to get any done this weekend.
Right now I'm surrounded by tissues and a trash can.
If I blow my nose anymore I think it's going to fall off.
If I cough one more time I think a lung
is gonna come up.


While I am doing laundry I started
putting the Winter clothing and coats away.
I'll keep out 1-2 pants/jeans and a a sweat jacket
per person the rest are going into storage.


While checking out the garden my son
discovered our neighbor now has a chicken.
At least I think it's one chicken.
I hope there is NO rooster!
Well that's three houses that I know of
in this neighborhood with chickens/roosters.

My potatoes seem to be growing like crazy.
Three days in a row I've had to go out
and cover them up they are growing that fast!
The only thing I'm growing them in is a little
homemade potting soil in the bottom
then leaves from last Fall with a little coffee grounds.
Starting to run out of leaf mulch.
'Bout ready to jump jungle neighbor's fence
and steal some of his leaves, lol.


Woo hooo, last load of laundry in washer.
So glad because my back has been hurting me today.
Started rounding up suitcases and all
soft sided coolers for our trip.


Went and closed three pools tonight at hubby's work.
Lucky for us it was chilly outside and no one
was brave enough to go swimming.
I found a large trash can with wheels and a lid.
Wanting to upgrade my water barrel size
for my gutter garden.

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