Monday, June 10, 2013



I've been trying to harvest some rain water this morning.
I placed totes and buckets under the gutter
along the carport.  If it rains too hard the gutters
overflow causing a little waterfall so I'm hoping to catch
that water in the containers.
The two smaller totes I found this weekend.
They are 16 gallon.  The larger tote I found awhile
ago and I'm guessing it's a 32 gallon.
The other buckets are 5 gallon.
I've almost got the 32 gallon tote filled with water
I have been dumping in that tote from the downspout.
I plan to fill my garden gutter with this rain water.
It is much better for plants than city water
which contains chemicals in it!!
One day I hope to have a rain tote to make
this much easier.  They cost around $75
and hold about 275 gallons of water.
Probably won't be this year though.
Plus by using rain water you don't have to pay for it!
Saves on your water bill.

Yesterday I got most of my solar dehydrater box I'm making
tore apart.  I removed all the screen and staples
from it except from the top,
removed the door, hinges and slide lock.
I want to relocate and build a new door on the
side instead of the front.
Easier access for the trays.
Now are looking for someone with a staple gun
and staples I can borrow to put the rubber material
on the outside.  I think that we be the easiest way
to do it.

I was actually able to get a good night's sleep
last night, yeahhh.
Got up this morning to see hubby off to work and
check on our squirrel friend.
He wasn't under the shed ramp but I did notice
him climbing the pine tree to his nest so
that's a very good sign along with the fact
he did eat his blueberry muffins I put out for him, lol.
When I was outside collecting water I saw
him come back down out of the tree looking
like a drowned rat all wet and he headed
back under the shed ramp.
So at least I know he is safe and alive.
He made it through the night, yeah.
If you'd of saw him yesterday you would have thought
the worst with all the blood on his chest!

At the moment I'm trying to get warm.
Came in and changed into some dry clothes.
I know, don't bitch, I have bronchitis and are
playing in the cold rain.  Working on 
building the immune system up, LOL.
Now I'm trying to work on a menu for the week
because I'm a little behind with things.
I didn't even get my laundry done yesterday
like I usually do.  I'd work on my vacation planning
but I left my notebook for that in hubby's car
so that's not doing me a whole lotta good right now.
Ya want to know something funny?
I needed a notebook with blank paper in it
and went rummaging around my office/school supply closet
for one.  I have stacks of notebooks in there
so I just grabbed one, opened it up to some blank
pages and started making a list and a map.
Well wouldn't ya know it.  Yesterday I took
that notebook with me on a call to hubby's work
for something to do when I couldn't help hubby 
and opened it up to some
pages that had been written on only to discover
this was the same notebook I used last year to
plan our trip.  There it was, all my written maps, directions
and lists of everything to pack.
What was the chance of that happening again
a year later out of all my notebooks I have?!


Well I'm not getting much done, lol.
Mom just called and I'm taking her to the 
post office and library.
I don't care, I like going to the library.


Back home and got some supper going in the crock.
I'm making rotisserie style bbq marinated
chicken breasts.

Here's an update on my cucumbers.
I didn't show an updated pic the other day
because they hadn't really grown much.
What's weird is that I just checked them yesterday
and didn't see much progress.
Today is a whole different story after
freshly fertilizing them with coffee ground, epsom salt
and a dose of some rain.
I think regular rain water really makes a difference, wow!
They went from this...

To this in 2 days!

I was starting to wonder if they were ever going to grow,
then wave the magical wand and badda bing, badda growth spurt.

I got my first blooms on a couple beef master tomato 
and bell pepper plants today.

Ain't it amazing what you can do when
others think you can't do it?!
Don't laugh at my gutter garden because
I will prove those wrong!


Me and my son collecting rain water during a downpour.
Would be nice to collect about 74 gallons today
with the containers we have.
That would mean I could fill the water reservoir
for my gutter garden 4.6 times.
That would last me a couple of weeks depending
upon how hot it gets outside.
The hotter it is then the more water you use and could
get evaporated from the gutter trough.

8:00pm - 9:00pm

I got my brake lights working on the truck.
The brake lights switch is in the most awful place
up underneath to dash to try and get to.

Went over to O'Reilly's Auto Parts and got
me a fuel filter ($15) and some fuel and injector cleaner.
Now need to google where the filter is at and
to see how to put it on, fun fun fun,
but not today since we lost sunlight.

This evening I was doing some storm could watching in the distance.  I thought this cloud was pretty cool to watch
it explode.
Almost looked like a cone shaped tornado came
out of the side of it in the end but I did not see any rotation
to go with it.  It was just odd looking.
Here's my time lapse of the cloud.  
It was the only storm cloud in the area.
All other clouds were small and whispy
with blue skies behind me.


Yeah I am still up.  Prednisone must be talking tonight.

The other day while DDn I found a 60 count bottle of 
Centrum Silver Multivitamins/ Multiminerals.
Hubby pointed out that the bottle was expired.
I don't think it would hurt to take them the only problem
you would have with some medicines or vitamins
is losing some of it's potency beyond a certain time.
I don't think hubby sounds like he would
be too thrilled to take them and I would hate for
them to go to waste and came up with an idea
that I might experiment with.
What if I ground up all the multivitamins and minerals
and sprinkled it in the soil around my plants
in the veggie garden or could just add 
the crushed vitamins to the water in the gutter.
It's just a crazy thought I had.
Maybe I could start out with watering
the flower I found the other day that was drooping
with a vitamin water mix and see how that goes.
Don't want to ruin a whole garden on an experiment
so will do a little here and there on other plants
to see if there's any change.

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