Saturday, July 20, 2013



Ahhh, it felt good to be able to sleep in this morning.
But when sleeping in comes the backache to go with it.
Can't win.

All is quiet on the home front for the moment.
Just waiting for some rain to arrive to take
the humidity out of the air!


Went out to hubby's friends house in Groveport
then had to go out on a call at his work.
Hit about 3 storms along the way.

Storm #1
Heading to Groveport.

Storm #2 rolled around while I was in a gas station.
Got soaked then chilled getting into an air conditioned car.
Heading out of Groveport.

Storm #3 we drove into as we were heading to
hubby's work.

Got home and threw some hamburger in the crock pot.
Going to have some taco salad minus the salad, lol.
Hamburger mixed with a couple cans of tomato soup
and chili powder
spooned over top kroger nacho tortilla chips
and topped with shredded taco cheese.


Hard to believe we had a heat wave this week
and I am now sitting here with sweats
and a sweater on!  I got cold earlier
after being in the rain then the air condition a couple of times.
Now my back is hurting.
The bones feel as though they are rubbing together.
Took some acetaminophin and it doesn't seem to be helping.

Today has been a good day with the pager.
We only got one call to go out on and it was
easy then this evening went and closed the pools.
Of course there was no one in them.

BTW  Today is me and hubby's 
10 year anniversary.
We've been together for 14 years straight though.
Sucks being on call though and can't really do anything.
Next week we might go out to Ci Ci's.
I know woo hoo but it's about all I can afford at the moment.
It's a step up from McDonalds or Taco Bell, lol.
We'll have to see though because I'm
pretty sure hubby will still be working overtime.
I'd rather have the overtime and extra money.


Well I spoke too soon.  The pager is blowing up.
Why?  Because there are too many people out
there that think they should call the maintenance
guy for every problem.  And what's the problem?
There is a power outage.  Hellooooo people,
you don't call your maintenance man for a power
outage, you call the power company!!!
I just don't get it.  I'm not talking one person
calling maintenance, I'm talking that the phone
will NOT stop ringing!!  One phone call after another.
Come on people when our power goes out who
do you think we call, THE POWER COMPANY!!!
I swear people don't think straight anymore!!!
If your apartment is on fire is the first person
you're going to call is maintenance, NO,
it'll be the fire department.
So if your power goes out who ya gonna call,
that's right the freaking power company!!!
I would of hate to of seen if they had to go several
days to over a week last year when most of Columbus had no power!!


The phone will not stop ringing!!
Oh my goodness people the world is not going to end!!
One guy was even complaining because his
air conditioner won't work without power.
Give me a break.  My thermometer says it's 71 degrees
outside right now.  Open up a freaking window
and let some fresh air in.
These people are so spoiled and have no freaking
clue.  You just don't understand when the phone
will NOT stop ringing.
NONE of the people stop to think to call the power company!!!


Yup, that's right they are still calling.
Some people are getting pissed about the electric
like we're supposed to come over there
and just plug them back in.


Back home from hubby's work.
It just got to the point we had to go over and
make an appearance to some residents.
One resident called and was sooooo rude
it was just ridiculous.  He actually called three times
and left messages bitching up a storm complaining
his power was out, hope you're having a good time
this evening while I'm sitting in the dark,
I hope you get to eat something and have a snack
because i don't have any power to cook with,
the maintenance guy refuses to come out
when it's just my building, and it just went on and on and on
with his bitching to the point that hubby was ready
to go tell him off but I had to remind him
he was on the clock.  But hubby went and politely
but loudly banged (lol) on his door and told him in
person that he was NOT the only one without power
to chill out.  

There is just no sense of people treating other people
that way when things are beyond their control.
By the time we made rounds around the property
the power company had showed up thank God.
Hubby stopped to talk to him and asked what
the problem was.  Hubby didn't find it too funny
when the guy said, "there's no power."
Earlier hubby had called AEP and talked to 
a really nice lady who said the residents
at our apartment complex had been blowing their phone up also.
We had been telling the residents to call AEP
that the power issue was not our problem.
Hubby told the nice lady that they had been blowing
his phone up with so many calls.
She said she was surprised they didn't start calling 911, lol.
I told ya the phone calling non stop was bad
and I wasn't joking.

People expect too much in this world if you ask
me and if something quits working they totally
freak out and do not know how to react.
It's crazy!  

I must be getting old because I can't seem to tolerate
a whole lot of people anymore.
Some days I don't want to go outside
and deal with the people driving on the streets
to those that are in stores and everyone in between.
They are so mean, rude, inconsiderate, you name it.
I think the use of cell phones, computers, tvs, cable
and internet has caused the world to go downhill
and become evil.  And when they get disconnected
from all these devices it's like they need
to go to rehab because they totally freak out
and don't know what to do without them.

When we got home tonight we saw that the critter was back
tearing apart the items on our carport.
It's been a daily thing now and I have yet to
see what is doing it.
I had a box going out full of stuff knocked over
and things up on top of a bookshelf we store items
on knocked off.  It even got into a thing of
weed whipper string.  It must of somehow got tangled
in it because part of the string in the spool
was all over part of the carport
and led up to a hole in the bottom of our step.
I wasn't brave enough to look under the step
to see if there was a critter under there hiding out.
I'll wait til daylight!
I just want to know what is making messes
every single day now!

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