7:05 am
So tired this morning. This heat we've been having
sure exhausts you.
Last night we went out on an air conditioner call.
Hubby had to call in another maintenance guy for help on it.
So there was an additional wait, all out in the heat,
next to central air conditioners blowing out heat.
After that was said and done then we closed the pools.
Was gone from 7:15 to 10pm.
Hubby had just gotten home from work
a little after 7pm from working mandatory overtime
and had to leave soon after getting
home to return back to work for an emergency call which sucked.
Hubby had just gotten home from work
a little after 7pm from working mandatory overtime
and had to leave soon after getting
home to return back to work for an emergency call which sucked.
I didn't care, I needed to get out of the house because
my oldest son's girlfriend was IMing me and driving me nuts
with 1,0001 questions to the point at one time I
literally got up and banged my head on the wall, ahhhh!
I just have to tell this story. No names are mentioned
so what's it hurt.
Well miss girlfriend, who I think is about 25 years old,
must think I can sew anything and
everything because she asked me if I could sew her up
a purse. I said I didn't know how but I knew how to
do totes. She says ok can you make me one. I said sometime
maybe I will. I am just so busy at the moment that I have other project lined up first. For starters I have mom's sweeper sitting here
that she wants me to work on sometime and I have a huge
project going on with my basement that is long overdue.
Miss girlfriend then asks what kinds of totes I make and
I said basic ones. Want to know her next response
after wanting me to make her one?!
"What's a tote?"
Why are we asking for something that we have
no clue what it even is?!
No this wasn't where I banged my head that
came after tons more questions and til it got to this
next part...
So this story continues with her asking me
if I still had a purse that I found at hubby's work.
This purse was left behind in a vacated apartment
and was a CC purse still in it's plastic, had
it's bag and all paper work to verify its authenticity.
I have looked into it's value and it's worth
around $1,000 on Ebay!! I have held onto
it like a savings account in case one day if I should
ever need money really bad I could sell it on Ebay.
Miss girlfriend up and bravely asks me if
she could just have it. I straight out told her,
no, not when it's worth $1,000 and was brand new.
Her next questions were ok then why don't you
ever use it and would you sell it to me for $20?
I told her I did find her a small purse and had
put it in the boxes of stuff I was giving them
for their rental place. What kind is it she asks?
Is it an expensive one?
I say I haven't a clue what kind it is.
Who cares what kind something
is when it's being given to you free of charge.
She then says can you find me more stuff.
That is when I got up and banged my head on the wall.
I gave up at that point and had to walk away from
the computer for awhile.
You know I don't mind helping people but when
their greed takes over I'm pretty much done
with the situation. She's already asked me
if I could find them an LCD flat screen tv that
a regular older tv was not good enough.
When they come over at Christmas or birthday time
it's all about the gifts. I can feel that she doesn't
want to stay and visit and wants to leave
soon after getting what she came for.
At Christmas time if you go to someone's house
you wait til your host gets out your Christmas presents
and passes them around when it's time.
It was like she walked in, scoped out the Christmas tree
and gifts, found the ones with her name on it
and pulled them all out and sat them in front of her.
Not long ago I found a bunch of high dollar brand name
clothing and brought it home for her.
It was a lot, the car was totally packed with these
items that I thought they would need and enjoy.
I asked them if they wanted them and they said NO.
So me and hubby put them all in the truck and
took them back over to his work and threw them out.
So me and hubby put them all in the truck and
took them back over to his work and threw them out.
Then about a week ago miss girlfriend IMs me
and asks if I could find some clothes for them.
Just recently I have been finding and saving
things for their first place on their own.
She is always bugging me as to what I have found
because I never go into details about it
and just tell her too much to write it all down.
Now would not be a good time to tell her
everything and for her to get picky about
what I got them for their first place.
When you have nothing to begin with you
don't start being picky. You take what
is given to you and be appreciative of it.
But she keeps asking me over and over again,
did you find us more stuff like I find this stuff
everyday or something. I don't have access to things
all the time til the opportunity strikes and who
knows when that will be. She just starts making
a wish list of stuff like I want a microwave,
a lcd tv, a sofa. Well good for you. What do I look like
a Best Buy store with an adjacent storage lot
attached to it.
If, and I say if, they get this place and we take this
stuff out to their place for them then I'm
going to tell them Merry Christmas.
I don't have a lot of money and all this crap
I've been saving for them is probably worth
a couple thousand dollars. Either you like it or lump it.
I can tell you this. If something falls through
and they don't get this place, I'm throwing
everything back out in the trash.
Oh and yesterday she Im'ed me asking if she gave us
gas money would we come pick them up and take
them to the pool at hubby's work and then take them home.
I have told her time and time again that my hubby
has been working his butt off with overtime,
working late every night and has the on call emergency pager.
What part of that is she not getting that she just
thinks we can drop everything and make a couple
of trips out to Grove City at the moment for their enjoyment.
She knows I have Crohn's and I get sick.
I'm willing to bet she doesn't know what it is though
even though I've tried to tell her what I go through at times.
I get tired and weak with lots of pain
but she still thinks I should be getting things for her
no matter what we are doing or going through.
Just give me, give me, give me.
I can tell ya this, she's stressing me out
and stress is not good for Crohn's!
One time I had just come inside from being out
in the garden and she IMs and asks what I was doing
so I told her, tending to my garden.
She wants to know everything I am growing so
I tell her. I also tell her I garden to help supplement
some of the food for our family because we can't afford much.
Her response...she gave me a big long list of
everything she wanted me to give her out of my garden.
She knows I have Crohn's and I get sick.
I'm willing to bet she doesn't know what it is though
even though I've tried to tell her what I go through at times.
I get tired and weak with lots of pain
but she still thinks I should be getting things for her
no matter what we are doing or going through.
Just give me, give me, give me.
I can tell ya this, she's stressing me out
and stress is not good for Crohn's!
One time I had just come inside from being out
in the garden and she IMs and asks what I was doing
so I told her, tending to my garden.
She wants to know everything I am growing so
I tell her. I also tell her I garden to help supplement
some of the food for our family because we can't afford much.
Her response...she gave me a big long list of
everything she wanted me to give her out of my garden.
There, I am done ranting for now.
I don't like people who try to take advantage
of me especially if I am trying to help them out
with the kindness of my heart!
My thermometer is already saying it's 85.4 degrees outside.
Not feeling with it this morning.
I kept waking up last night in a sweat.
Had the ac on and a fan blowing on me.
This morning I feel really tired
and my stomach feels so raw and is throbbing.
I have too much to do to be down and out.
I still have things hanging on the clothesline
that need taken down and folded
and things to be brought up out of the basement.
It's 92 degrees outside and feels like 98 heat index.
I just woke up. Laid back down earlier
because I wasn't feeling well.
I haven't gotten anything done today
so far because of it.
We'll see if I feel like doing anything this afternoon
or if I just need a slow down day.
I got a deer roast going in the crock pot
with a can of tomato soup, packet of brown gravy,
1 cup of water, onion powder and
a bag of frozen, diced carrots for supper.
The roast isn't very big so maybe I'll chop it
up, mix it with the carrots and gravy and
serve it over some rice to stretch it out.
Last Saturday when we went to the scrap metal place
we always step upon the scale to see our weight.
I weighed 141 pounds.
I weighed myself today because I've been having a rough
week with even wanting to eat anything, having a gurgling
belly and several bathroom trips each day.
For example, last night all I had for supper was
one slice of pizza. Today all I've had was
a small glass of milk and a couple of cookies.
I weigh 136 pounds.
I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days!
Oh here we go again.
I really need to step away from the computer
because the IMs have started with miss girlfriend.
Not even a hi or how ya doing but starts off
the first IM with,
Her- "Hey, you got any more purses for me?"
Me- "no I only have the one I told you about"
Her- "K, U can't you find any"
I think God is testing me because my patience is running thin!
I try to be nice and just bite my tongue and it's starting to hurt!
Well maybe I should go outside and get the clothes
off the line and go back down to the basement
even if it's just for a few.
Right now it's 93 and feels like 100 degrees.
Started hearing some thunder so went outside.
At the moment everything appears to be NE
of here and we had a couple very light sprinkles.
We are right on the edge of the storm that popped up.
By edge means you can hear it,
see it but there's really no rain to go with it.
It would be nice to clear out some of this humidity!
I haven't done nothing today other than to get
the towels and bedding off the clothesline.
I have yet to see the basement because I
don't feel well at the moment. Feeling very tired
with no energy and my stomach is raw and throbbing.
Why do I have to feel sick when I was doing
half way decent these last couple of weeks.
I've been trying to stay strong and keep moving
but obviously that doesn't work.
Was over at hubby's work earlier getting ready to close pools
when he got this
emergency page from a lady saying she had a bee infestation
and was totally freaked out by bees.
We get over there and believe it or not
this bee infestation involved one little itty bitty
bee in the window!!!
This lady was running all over her apartment
because of it, lol. Sprayed it with some bee spray
and left the can with her for protection, lol.
My thermometer is already saying it's 85.4 degrees outside.
Not feeling with it this morning.
I kept waking up last night in a sweat.
Had the ac on and a fan blowing on me.
This morning I feel really tired
and my stomach feels so raw and is throbbing.
I have too much to do to be down and out.
I still have things hanging on the clothesline
that need taken down and folded
and things to be brought up out of the basement.
It's 92 degrees outside and feels like 98 heat index.
I just woke up. Laid back down earlier
because I wasn't feeling well.
I haven't gotten anything done today
so far because of it.
We'll see if I feel like doing anything this afternoon
or if I just need a slow down day.
I got a deer roast going in the crock pot
with a can of tomato soup, packet of brown gravy,
1 cup of water, onion powder and
a bag of frozen, diced carrots for supper.
The roast isn't very big so maybe I'll chop it
up, mix it with the carrots and gravy and
serve it over some rice to stretch it out.
Last Saturday when we went to the scrap metal place
we always step upon the scale to see our weight.
I weighed 141 pounds.
I weighed myself today because I've been having a rough
week with even wanting to eat anything, having a gurgling
belly and several bathroom trips each day.
For example, last night all I had for supper was
one slice of pizza. Today all I've had was
a small glass of milk and a couple of cookies.
I weigh 136 pounds.
I have lost 5 pounds in 5 days!
Oh here we go again.
I really need to step away from the computer
because the IMs have started with miss girlfriend.
Not even a hi or how ya doing but starts off
the first IM with,
Her- "Hey, you got any more purses for me?"
Me- "no I only have the one I told you about"
Her- "K, U can't you find any"
I think God is testing me because my patience is running thin!
I try to be nice and just bite my tongue and it's starting to hurt!
Well maybe I should go outside and get the clothes
off the line and go back down to the basement
even if it's just for a few.
Right now it's 93 and feels like 100 degrees.
Started hearing some thunder so went outside.
At the moment everything appears to be NE
of here and we had a couple very light sprinkles.
We are right on the edge of the storm that popped up.
By edge means you can hear it,
see it but there's really no rain to go with it.
It would be nice to clear out some of this humidity!
I haven't done nothing today other than to get
the towels and bedding off the clothesline.
I have yet to see the basement because I
don't feel well at the moment. Feeling very tired
with no energy and my stomach is raw and throbbing.
Why do I have to feel sick when I was doing
half way decent these last couple of weeks.
I've been trying to stay strong and keep moving
but obviously that doesn't work.
Was over at hubby's work earlier getting ready to close pools
when he got this
emergency page from a lady saying she had a bee infestation
and was totally freaked out by bees.
We get over there and believe it or not
this bee infestation involved one little itty bitty
bee in the window!!!
This lady was running all over her apartment
because of it, lol. Sprayed it with some bee spray
and left the can with her for protection, lol.
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