Thursday, April 18, 2013



Everything's been in slow mo around
here the last couple of days
between my body hurting and hubby not feeling well.
I ask hubby every day how he's feeling.
He's still trudging to work each day feeling like crap.
Some symptoms have improved but he says
he still has head congestion.  Last night
I filled the humidifier with water and apple cider
vinegar.  The apple cider vinegar is supposed
to be good for congestion and sinus problems.
I placed it in our bedroom near his side of the bed.
I hope it helps to alleviate the congestion.

This morning me and mom are going to Walmart.
My free camera cases have been shipped
and are ready for pickup.
I've never ordered something and had it
shipped to a store before so we'll see how it goes.
While there I plan to get a few
vitamins because I have run out.
Such as Vitamin D3 and Omega 3 Fish Oil.
I've been taking hubby's regular fish oil
and it doesn't seem to be helping my pain.
The difference between Vitamin D and D3 from
what I understand is Vitamin D is what comes
from plants or animals.  D3 is like getting
the D vitamin which comes from the sun.


Whew, I laid down for a nap and forgot to open the windows
ahead of time and still had my sweater on from this morning.
  It's 82.5 degrees out and 76.8 degrees inside.
I ran around opening up the windows and
turning on fans and the sweater went bye bye til tomorrow 
when it's only supposed to be 50's for a high!

I got all 5 of my camera cases from Walmart this morning
without a hitch.  I didn't have to pay for anything.
I got me some things to take to hopefully
make any body aches and inflammation go away. 
I sure do notice a difference when I go without taking
my regular vitamins & fish oil daily

The multivitamin I already had but wanted to show
you what I take everyday to possibly help with Crohn's Disease
along with my prescription for Lialda. 
 Yeah it's the kind that's
for women who are 50 and over.  I got it because
it has more doses of some things in it
like Vitamin A, E, B6, B12 and
it has vitamin D3 instead of Vitamin D
compared to regular multivitamins.

For the fish oil I'm trying something different.
It has fish oil, flaxseed oil, borage oil,
evening primrose oil, black currant oil,
alpha linolinic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid,   
 docosahexaenoic acid, linoleic acid,
gamma linoleic acid. 

And I got my 1000 IU Vitamin D3
which I take a total of 2,000 IU's daily when 
you include the 1,000 IU's of D3 in my daily multivitamin.
 During the cold Winter I might up it
to 3,000 to 4,000 IU's a day.
As it gets warmer and I get out in the sun more
then I will taper off taking any extra D3.

Here is some of what my Prescription for Natural Healing
Book suggests for people with Crohn's Disease
for Omega 3's, B12, Vitamin C & Zinc.

I do the Vitamin C, Echinacea and Zinc when I feel a cold
coming on.   I'll take the kids Little Critter gummies
and/or a zicam.  I give the kids one of these gummies in the
morning before school as an immune booster
during the colder Winter months and then
a multivitamin at supper time.

This Winter is the first time I have experimented
with natural products to combat sickness around here.
It seems to of worked because I don't think
anyone had a cold for more than a day or two
and we didn't get the fluMe and the kids
do not get flu shots.

The only time we visited Urgent Care was
for Conjunctivitis, an ear infection
and the time I had problems swallowing my food
which ended up passing anyway and was a wasted trip
but family insisted I go anyway.    

That sure beats previous years with
quite a few trips to the emergency room, doctor's office visits
and urgent care.   Let's just say thousands and thousands
of dollars was spent for medical care these past
couple of years.  This year I'm looking at 
around $100/$150.   Big difference!!  

Oh and I try to stay away from over the counter
items like cold and flu medicines and cough syrups.
Only take ibuprofen or acetaminophin over the counter
products when really needed for aches, headaches, or fever.  
For sore throats I buy peppermint hard candy.  
Sometimes I might buy cough drops
but the peppermint candy I think does about the same thing,
keeps the throat moistened and I run the 
humidifier with apple cider vinegar in it. 


OK, this is weird.  A dumptruck, a mini roller
and a blacktop spreader just arrived not long
ago and are repaving a neighbor's driveway at
this time of night.  I'm sure the closer neighbors
that have to get up early and go to work tomorrow
morning are loving the noise from all that.
I've never seen anyone get their driveway redone
this late at night like that.  Maybe roadwork because
there is less traffic but never a driveway especially
on a week night.  I'd of never know about it but because
the windows were open I had to see what the weird noises
were about.


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