Monday, January 7, 2013



I painted and recovered my new living room set for
Christmas.  Even though the cushions covers were a temporary
fix due to trying look presentable for holiday company
 I knew I would need to eventually replace them.  
They were getting thin due
to age and not as comfortable as I would have liked.
I need padding for my behind, lol.
I figured one day I would find some sofa cushions
at hubby's work and would be patient til I found some.
Well this past weekend I found some really nice
ones at hubby's work.  I didn't expect it so soon but here they are.  They'll need a little tweaking because the two
end ones are the wrap around kind.  I'll use an electric knife to cut
the ends off and try to patch up that area.
I was also able to find three matching back pillow cushions.
All microfiber and are easily cleaned with a damp rag.
What's weird was that even though I found all
these cushions I never saw a sofa to go with it!
They were all by their lonesome just begging
me to take them home, lol.
Can ya see the difference in the thickness of the cushions?
The old cushions had the thickness of something
like you would find on lawn furniture.
Plus now the newer cushions will cover the gap
on the end of the couch so that throw pillows
won't fall off through that space.

When you don't have much money you make
do with what you have, can find for free or cheap
and try to get creative with those items 
and find ways to reuse them.
Upcycling is my middle name.


Still not feeling the greatest today
so will try to take it slow, easy and rest some
while everyone is back to work and school.
It seems weird with the house being so quiet
after a couple weeks of having everyone at home on vacation.

I laid out a package of pork loin center cut pork chops ($2.56) 
to thaw for supper tonight.
I'll fry them up and have stuffing ($1.00) with apple
pie filling (.75 cents) mixed with it.
5 servings @ .86 cents a serving.


I think I've decide to wait and make the pork chops
for tomorrow's supper.  Instead we're having something
simple, hot dogs. 
My upper legs and both leg sockets are killing me today!
Looks like today went well with all three kids going back to school
including the neighbor kid I take to and from the bus stop.
Now to give the boys and me an early supper
and try to keep them clean and presentable for this evening.
Leaving soon after hubby gets home from work.


Back home from the showing.
It was very nice.
We all gathered around a tv and watched
a "slide-show" of many pictures of hubby's aunt.
It looked like she led a very good life
with many friends and family around her.

I was so thankful there was a sectional there to sit on.
I forgot to take my acetaminophin before we left
and felt horrible.  It hurt so bad to walk or stand!


Here's a tip for ya that I've been doing for as long
as I can remember...
Use clothespins to close bags with!
I use them on chips, bread, frozen veggie bags in the freezer, 
cereal, cookies, chocolate chips, powdered sugar, etc.

Kroger has the Private Selection kettle chips 
on sale 2 for $5.00.  Well they also had some
coupons next to them.  Not blinkies but a pad of rip off ones.
Those coupons were for buy 1 get 1 free.
I grabbed a bunch :0)
With coupon it cost $2.50 for 2 bags of chips.

So ready to head to bed soon and cuddle up
with my heating pad friend!
My heating pad is a lifesaver when my body hurts like this.
I have three of them now.
I let the kids or hubby use the other ones
if they get cold at night to cuddle with.
2 regular sized ones I found at the thrift store
for .90 cents and a longer one, about 2-3x's the
size of the regular ones for $3.93.
Pretty good deals considering they run $15 to $30 each!
Still keeping an eye out for a fourth one
so we can all have one.
Electric blankets make you too hot at night
and these heating pads seem be the right size to get the job done
during the cold Winter months.

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