Saturday, January 19, 2013



Got up early and went to scrap some metal.
We all guessed about $60 worth.
Turns out it was all worth $86.65!
I love it when we are wrong.
Next stop was H&R Block.
Waste of time to try and get taxes done early
thanks to Obama and all the crap he has going on.
Our taxes along with others have been delayed
due to not having certain forms just yet
and not being able to file them til after a certain date.
So we have to go back again yet a second time.
I'm thinking at the latest we'll get our tax refund
mid to end of February, another month to month and a half, sigh.
Hellooo Obama we're struggling as it is
while you are spending our money living
the luxurious lifestyle.  Couldn't ya just cut us a little
break with taxes, health care costs and the everyday things
we need like gas and food to survive.

Stopped by the bank top put the scrap check in
and then stopped in Save-A-Lot
to get some milk and a few other things
since it was close by.
Now we're back home cleaning house.
Don't that sound like fun?!
I got groceries put away and hubby is on kitchen
duty with dishes and cleaning it up.
Me, I'm working on getting some clothes put away.
During the Winter months if the boys school
pants and shirts aren't too soiled up I'll rehang
them back in the closet for another wear.
I am also working on sweeping and vacuuming floors.
I also decided to clean out the return air vent.
Keeping your air vents clean will help your furnace
and hopefully not spread sickness throughout the house.
I need to check the filter also.

Before on left and After on right.
I vacuumed it out, then wiped down any more
dust with a cleaner sprayed on a rag as far as I could
reach into the vent, vacuumed again, then went over everything
with another rag sprayed with clorox clean up
to disinfect it.

All done.  Sometime I'll get around
to doing the other vents.
I sometimes put vent filters in them to 
keep dust and germs that get passed the furnace
filter from returning to the air we breathe.

I'm thinking of making these this week with deer burger
and some homemade rolls.
Almost White Castle Sliders for a Crowd. 
I plan to sprinkle a packet of onion soup mix
with seasoning into the bottom of a casserole
dish then put the burger on top.

If you make these with a regular white or butter cake
mix you only need half the cake mix
or double the recipe for an entire regular box of cake mix.


Got my everything done that I set out to do today.
I am so tired.  I fought with a cat throughout the night
who decided to come in our room on several ocassions
and meow at the top of his lungs wanting us
to get up and play.  Then when that wouldn't work
he would come along my side of the bed and
make a bunch of noise.  Nothing like swinging blindly,
half asleep, at a cat beside the bed, several times,
to make him go away.  If we shut the door to our
room he'll stand out there and meow his head off.
Ahhh, can't win.  You can bet your sweet butt
that we wake his little butt up throughout the 
day when he wants to sleep!
Doesn't work though to make him sleep at night.


Went over to Kroger to get my pop.
They have pillsbury cookie dough
marked down to .50 cents a pack.
There is a $1.00 off 3 coupon
that was in one of the Sunday's papers.
It would make it .50 cents for 3 cookie doughs. 
I don't care if it has a Christmas or Cinderella
print on them, they all taste like sugar cookies
and all end up in the same place when
we get a hankering for a sweet treat. 


Well we managed to go at least 11 hours or more today
without the furnace kicking on.
I set the thermostat on 70 and it
stayed 73 in the house most of the day.
Hoping that little bit will help the gas bill
next month especially when the cold
temperatures arrive for about the next three days or more.

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