Monday, February 4, 2013



We are under a winter weather advisory.

Nothing like going grocery shopping at 7:00am
in the morning.  As soon as the kids got on the bus
I picked up mom to take her shopping.
Can't walk down the isles in the store at that hour
because they were restocking all the shelves.
Then there are no regular checkouts or
cashiers so you have to use
the U-scan checkout no matter how many groceries you have.
Once back home I got all the bills done.
Have had a fun filled morning. 


I just had the school nurse call me to let me know
my one son has gotten a scratch on his face from an
altercation and she cleaned it out. 
Then she said he was getting ready to go see
the school's assistant principal to figure out what had happened.
I said let me tell ya what happened.
He and a couple of his close friends gets bullied all the time
and nothing gets done about it.
He's afraid to tell anyone for fear the the bullies
will retaliate.  I said last week he came home
with a big bruise on his chest from where 
someone punched him because he said someone was bothering his friend and he stuck up for him and in the process got hurt.  When I saw it on him and asked why he didn't tell
he said he didn't want those other kids bothering him.
The nurse said she would pass on the information
I told her to the assistant principal.
You see too much of this crap on the news
to not speak up and defend your child who goes
to school and tries to do good.
A lot of these kids at this middle school don't give
a crap and don't care.  I see their so called
friends on Facebook all the time talking
about fighting one another.  It's ridiculous anymore
that children have to fear going to school!
Sometimes the problem is the parents who
teach the child(ren) to fight.
I try to teach mine not to fight but sometimes
bullied kids can only tolerate only so much that the
urge to fight back comes out.
You should not be the punching bag all the time
because sooner or later that child is going to fight back
no matter how many times you tell them not to
because the schools don't do anything about it.
And when they so your children are the ones to blame
not the bullies.  Columbus City Schools
are not an easy school to go to because of it.
I've been dealing with this same crap for
almost 20 years!!!  I did not go to Columbus schools.
Sure I got picked on in Westerville Schools
but nothing like Columbus Schools where they
threaten to beat you up and injure you!

They need to bring back the paddle.
I remember if you were bad in school
you were sent to the principals office and got paddled.
I was not one of them!  I knew better! 
And when one student would be sent to the 
principals office for the butt whoopin'
the whole class would be silent and have a fear
that they better be good and straighten their butts up!

When you've got children the ages of my children
going around staying out all night
and breaking into people's property
and stealing things, then yeah, there's a problem
with the parents.  I'd say about 90% of the
people who steal things from our yard and shed
are the ones in the 10-teenage years!
I have it on security cameras to know
and back up what I'm telling ya.


Here comes the snow.


Roads are very slippery so be careful!

My one son told me that the bully socked/punched
him in the face.  See I wasn't told that by the nurse.
I was only told he got scratched.
Now my son doesn't want to go to school tomorrow
for fear of getting beat up again.
He said the kid that hit him claims to be in a gang
and he even told me the name of it.
I asked if he told the principal and he didn't.
I told him he should of!
Ya see these kids form small "gangs" at school
if ya don't know that already.
That is one reason they are not allowed
to wear red or blue solid colored t-shirts to school,
they are gang colors.
The school is aware of the problem
but isn't doing much about it other than 
telling everyone what they can or can't wear. 

Obviously my son didn't get into trouble
because the principal didn't call me.
That crap about schools sending out newsletters
and having meetings with parents in
the auditorium during open house
or parent teacher conferences talking
about their bullying policies and what to expect
from them is absolute bullshit!  Yeah I said it!
They don't enforce it enough unless
someone brings a gun to school or sends
your child to the hospital! 

Our middle school even has a security officer and
security cameras.  Bullies have it figured out though.
Lots of times fights start in the bathrooms
where there are no cameras.
I just don't know anymore.

I'm done with my rant for today I hope.
Just tired of all the BS! 


Snow is still falling.  They have now extended
our winter weather advisory.
The mailman wasn't parked long
and his windows covered up pretty quickly.
Roads are bad.  I see on Facebook a part of I71 is shut
down in Southern Delaware county from a semi truck crash and 
Logan county has a school bus with children
that has wrecked and rolled over! 
Child struck at school in Westerville
and 2 pedestrians struck by snow plow in Newark.

 Got supper in the oven.
We're having pork chops
that were dipped in an egg mixed with Italian
dressing and then breaded with some 
Oven Fry Extra Crispy pork breading.
Serving with homemade mashed potatoes
with a country gravy cheese sauce and a side of peas.

I don't know if hubby is working late or not

helping with plowing the streets.
I do remember him saying they just got a shipment
of salt in because they were out.
Still trying to figure out an easy way for those
guys to load that salt spreader.
I made a suggestion of instead of the salt
contractor unloading the pallet of salt onto the 
ground to load it directly into the back
of the plow truck.  Then when the guys needed
to refill the spreader they wouldn't have to
pick up those heavy ass salt bags as far
to dump it in.  They are back breakers!


5:30 rolls around and no hubby.
I don't know if he's out on the road or
staying over at work because the last time we had spoke
he says he MIGHT work over.
That's not definite to me.
Don't leave people at home to worry especially
on a day like today! 
I called and confirmed he is staying over and
plowing the roads.
Would have been nice to know!

So I dished up supper for me and the kids.
Those three pork chops were big enough
for six servings!


Hubby finally got home at 7:00pm.
 Me and him went out not long ago and
got all the walks and driveway shoveled.
Whew!   Gonna need the heating pad tonight.

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