Sunday, February 17, 2013



I worked on some laundry today,
got dishes done, got my pantry tidied up
and gone through in the kitchen and the
one in the basement.  
For lunch I made leftover lasagna.
Even after lunch I had a couple pieces
leftover to put in the freezer to put back
for a couple work lunches for hubby.

Supper was a couple $5 Little Ceaser's pizzas.

Hubby worked 6.5 hours today.

In my down time I've been looking at
flowers and gardens online daydreaming
of warmer weather.
I don't think I'm going to do a full vegetable
garden this year.   I might do some veggies here and there,
not sure just yet .  I have 2 raspberry bushes to plant
in the spring and need to tend to my grapevine and pear trees.
I would love to do some strawberries but don't
know where to buy strawberry plugs.
I've found some on Ebay.

I've got my fingers crossed that 14 rose bushes
that I planted last year come to life this year.
And I still need to work on finding places
to plant all of the hydrangeas I got last year.
They are still in pots.
Everything is covered up.  In the Fall I blew all
the fallen leaves into the rose bed
to act as their Winter blanket.

I've been reading and thinking about possibly
doing a gutter garden with flowers and/or strawberries.
I had to give up on a lot of flowers or veggies
last year due to drought conditions. 
You just never know what to expect each year.
Would like to work more on planting
things that come back each year.
I always tell hubby not to buy me fresh cut flowers
for Mother's Day that I would rather
have something I can plant in the yard
and enjoy year after year.    
I have cabin fever and are ready to be able
to go outside and do something other than
freeze my rear end off.    


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