Monday, August 26, 2013



This week is supposed to warm up with humidity
into the upper 80's and lower 90's....YUCK!
As long as the mornings are in the 50's to 60's with
lower humidity I'm still opening up the windows
for a couple of hours to let some fresh air in
and giving the air conditioner and
electric bill a break.

Looks like this is going to be a crock pot
or stove top supper week or do anything
oven related as early as possible in the mornings.
I came home from the bus stop this morning
and already have a cake going in the oven.
I'm doing a devil's food poke cake
with cooked banana cream pudding.
Once cooled I'll warm up some leftover
chocolate frosting in the microwave and
spread it over the top of the cake.

Next I've got a 7.60 pound pork steak shoulder butt 
in my biggest crock with a package
of sauerkraut and brown sugar.

This to us is a real treat as we never can afford
cuts of meat like this.
We know our butcher and when we visit Kroger
he always points out where the best meat deals
and mark downs are.
At .99 cents a pound this hunka hunka burning love
will make quite a few meals at that price!
I can break it down once cooked and package
it up in freezer zip bags and freeze til I need it.
Saves so much time when making meals
when the meat is already cooked and you just
pull it out of the freezer and warm it up.

Over the weekend while at hubby's work
we found a nice microwave.
I'm putting it back for Christmas for my son.
While visiting his apartment I noticed
he had a huge 1980's looking microwave that 
his dad gave him.

I thought I would bring him up to the year 2000's
with a model that was about 25 years newer!!
Plus it has a rotating dish so that food cooks more evenly.

I think anything else we find between now
and Christmas for their apartment
will be put back as Christmas presents.
They've pretty much got the basics now
to get them going.
I'll make sure to put the gift tag to my son
on the larger items that way if something
happens between the two she doesn't run
off with all the stuff I got saying it was hers.
You just never know these days.
They are not married.


Looks like another yucky Winter according
to Farmer's Almanac.
Plus I have seen another all black Wolly Worm
which means a cold Winter.


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