Wednesday, January 9, 2013



Sitting here watching the news and learned that this
year it's gonna take the IRS 8 days longer to process
income taxes due to the Fiscal Cliff.
I think I'm getting closer to getting a tax refund
and it's only getting further away.
From IRS.Gov-
"If you file a complete and accurate tax return, your refund should be issued within 21 days of the received date. This time-frame does not include mail and IRS handling time for paper returns. Even though the IRS issues most refunds in less than 21 days, it’s possible your tax return may require review and take longer."
Now add another 8 days to that (sigh).


It's another thrift store day.
Me and mom will be heading out soon.
I am on the hunt now for a pair of shoes
for my youngest son.


Well I found my son a pair of tennis shoes for $2.99.
It's kind of hard to shop for shoes for kids
when they aren't with you so who knows
if they'll even fit.  I did take my camera along with me
to take pictures of more expensive shoes that I found that
might interest my son to see if he likes them.
This way he can say yeah or nay before
I make a wasted trip back over to the thrift store
for him to check them out and try them on. 

A little scrub with a Mister Clean eraser will
whiten these shoes to look like new.

I have already started Christmas and birthday shopping
for the year.  This way I can take my time
and find the best deals.

I got this jacket for $4.99 for my son's birthday in May.

The kids got Xbox 360 Live for Christmas
and needed some headsets for it.
I found three for $1.99 each.
Each has a built in microphone.
These would cost about $20 each at Gamestop!
Also found three cheat books for their games.
.99 cents each.

I had told hubby that this year I wanted to
find three matching wreaths with red bows
for Christmas next year to put on our windows.
Badda bing Badda Boom, who would have thought
I would have found them so fast, lol, and for so cheap.
There in the thrift store was three matching
large wreaths with red bows.  They also
have lights and pine cones on them and are
about 2 feet across.
Today at the thrift store they announced over
the loud speaker that all Christmas items were 75% off.
Each wreath was $4.99 so it would have been $15 for 3.
At 75% off I paid $3.75 for all three lighted wreaths!

This isn't fair.  Our side of the street has lots of snow
while the other side has almost all melted.
The big thaw is coming.  Rain today and into the weekend
with mid to upper 50's the next couple of days 
and 60 for Saturday!


My child LOVED his shoes and they fit perfectly.
Not sure how that happened because he can be really picky.
 I got his shoes all whitened up by using the magic eraser cleaner.
Before & After

While I know I cannot afford $50 to $100+ shoes or clothes
I still try my best to make the kids feel like
they still fit in with all the fads so they don't
feel left out or are made fun of.
I know what peer pressure is like in school especially
junior high and high school and wanting to fit in.
With a little elbow grease I made a $2.99
pair of shoes look worth so much more.
I tell the kids if someone asks them where they
got their shoes, clothes, etc from
tell them you don't know because your mom
bought them for you and you weren't present when she did.

Do you know what I don't understand?
My children tell me that a majority of the kids
are getting free or reduced lunch at school
because of family's income.  Some even owe the school
money for lunches they haven't paid for.
BUT these kids are showing up to school
showing off their new brand name shoes mom or dad bought them bragging to everyone that they cost $100+ &
wearing new fashion style clothes from the hip stores
and walking around with the newest high dollar cell phones
with all access.   Now either I am doing something
really wrong or some parents have their
priorities all wrong!  Just my opinion.
It gives a bad impression to my children
who thinks so and so is getting free lunch and
can still afford new expensive shoes so
why can't you afford them?! 

I'm in a lot of pain so I get in a very opinionated
and very irritated mood because of it.
You want a reality show,
welcome to Frugal Columbus Momma's Reality and Opinions! 
Tune in every evening when momma's pain flares
up to get her latest opinion of something, lol.
I see things the way they really are.
I don't try to be someone I am not. 
I dislike fake people and people who
think they are better than everyone else.

Ok, going to take some acetaminophin
to help ease the pain before I lose my mind any further
because right now I feel like a fish being filleted!




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