Thursday, January 24, 2013



I actually got a half way decent sleep last night.
No cat to wake me up because I put him in the basement.
Hubby experienced no charlie horses after
having some cranberry juice and gatorade a
couple hours before bed.
He still has a pulled muscle in his back though.
I don't know how he goes to work
because he can barely even walk.
The last time this happened the doctor
told him to take a couple weeks off work.
Well I don't even think he could take one sick day
off right now due to lack of employees at work
and him being the guy on emergency calls.
I hooked him up with a few water bottles
to take to work with sugar-free drink packets
to mix in them to help keep the liquids in 
him to clean out his system.
I'm saving the cranberry juice for supper and evenings
and the gatorade to drink about an hour before bedtime.  

I've also seen him experiencing a runny nose
and have been giving him Zicam when he'll take it.
He said he doesn't like the taste of it.
I said it's not candy, it's medicine,
it's not supposed to taste good!

Me and the kids have been doing good
and have not been experiencing any sickness.
I give the kids each two gummy vitamins 
with immunity support daily,
a yogurt for their digestive tract and good gut bacteria,
a carnation instant breakfast with protein,
calcium and 21 vitamins and minerals,
a glass of 100% orange juice daily for vitamin C.
If there's the slightest sniffle or throat tickle
then I give them a zicam (zinc) to put a halt
to anything before it starts.


I'm on my second go round for meals this week in the crocks.
Right- deer burger with a half can leftover
spaghetti sauce and some bbq sauce for
some sloppy joes on onion buns.
Middle- Deer burger with beef boullion, a can of diced tomatoes
 and seasonings for taco meat.  Served with
crunchy and soft tacos with cheese and lettuce.
Left- Deer roast with a packet of onion soup mix
and a can on tomato soup.  Served with potatoes and carrots.

Anything leftover from taco meat and sloppy joe
meat will be added in to a goulash for another meal.

By using tomatoes in
deer meat you can help to remove the game
taste from it.


Mom called earlier and wanted to go out and do something
so I suggested Dollar Tree.
I got hubby a birthday card and picked up a couple
bunches of fake roses to use for making my bacon rose bouquet
for hubby's birthday. 
I also got hubby a couple of heat back patches
so he can wear to work to help with his back pain.

Ok before I go any further and speaking of hubby,
he called while I was in Dollar Tree to inform
me that while at work the side wall of his tire blew out
and he had another maintenance guy put the spare
on his car for him.  What pisses me off is that two months
ago we spent $40+ and just had this tire put on!
Oh yeah this paycheck with a bonus on it can't get
here fast enough because we have yet to hear back
from H&R Block about our taxes.

And getting back to Dollar Tree.
I got me some multi vitamins which I was out of
and a bottle of conditioner to make
fabric softener from since I ran out this past weekend.
And lastly I got the boys some deodorant/body spray
and body wash that supposed to be like the Axe brand.
They've been asking me for it but haven't been
back to Dollar Tree in awhile to pick some up. 


I'm whipping up a batch of fabric softener when I got
to thinking you should use distilled water with it.
Well I don't have any.  Wonder if I could put a tablespoon
of bleach into it to keep it from molding or whatever over time.
Then I got to wondering,
can you mix bleach with vinegar?
NO, NO and double NO!
is the answer I got after researching this.
This homemade fabric softener with vinegar would
not be a wise choice to use in your washing
machine where you use bleach!
Even if you think the bleach has been rinsed from the machine.
It could create a chlorine gas which is
very toxic and can be deadly!
I don't know why people would post
such homemade recipes like this.
I'm glad I am such a researcher to have discovered this.

So here I am with a large bowl of hair
conditioner mixed with vinegar, no water
was added yet.  I don't want it to go to waste.
What to do?
You can still use it as a conditioner for your hair!
I used an empty, washed out, 2 liter pop bottle to put
the conditioner in and set it next to the tub.


Back from going to Steve's Used Tires.
Hubby said he was so glad he brought me along
because I was a wheelin and a dealin momma, lol.
Some people may not know this but
you can haggle with used tire places to get them to come down
in price!  I think before I could even get out of the car
hubby and a worker there went to find a tire.
I finally caught up with them and hubby
says, "he wants $65 for the tire installed."
Hmmph!  I started talking and carrying on til
they got it down to $45 installed.
A savings of $20 thank you very much!
Then as they were putting the rear tire on
they pointed out a bulging spot on a front tire.
It didn't look good.  It looked the tire was trying to blow
a bubble.  I told hubby that I wanted him to get another
tire for fear that one would blow out.
Have ya ever had a front tire blow doing about
55 or 60+ mph?  I did once and had to clean my britches
once I got home after trying to keep the van we had back
then in control.  
So the guy goes back and gets another
tire and says $55 for tire plus $15 install ($70).
Hmmph!  I don't think so.  Give it to me for $45
like the other tire and he did!  
So there was an additional $25 saved for a grand total
of $45 saved on used tires tonight.
It would have cost $135 but we paid $90 for 2 tires
installation, balancing and tire disposal.
Used tires used to be affordable and I could
get 4 tires for $100 or less back in the day if that tells you anything.
I know I'm getting old and giving away my age, lol.
Family now comes to me to go with them
to get tires because of my ability to get them
to come down in price.
I was able to get my step-dad 2 front tires
for his vehicle for $60 for both installed. 

Whelp I am very tired.  I have gotten into a pattern
of having a split sleep schedule meaning
I'd get half my sleep at night and half my sleep
from a nap in the late morning.
Well due to me and mom going out this morning
I didn't get to today.
Once I got the kids from the bus stop and came
back home I was falling asleep on the couch
watching tv.  I was so thankful supper was
done in the crock.  We had sloppy joes.
All I had to do was throw some onion buns
in the oven to toast them.


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