Thursday, January 3, 2013



Feeling good or not there are still some things
I need to get done around here.
The fridge has been long overdue for a cleaning
and looks like something exploded in there!
So far I've gotten two glass shelves and two bins done.
I still have 3 more glass shelves to do,
another bin and 5 shelves in the door
then wipe down the whole inside of the fridge.
It's a good thing they are all removable
and I can put into the sink to clean.

Before returning the bins and shelves back to the
refrigerator I plan to line each of them with
some Glad Press and Seal.  Next time it will make
clean up much more easier.  All I would have to
do is remove the Press and Seal, give a quick wipe
and put more Press and Seal on the shelves and bins. 
No more scrubbing mysterious goo off the shelves!


Yup, I am still working on the fridge
putting my hands in God knows what
may be slopped on the bottom, sides
and in those bins.  AHHHH!
1 crisper bin to go along with
all the door bins and wiping the inside of the door down.
Kids are hollering for lunch after having
breakfast not long ago!  I'm like to do you even
see a place in the kitchen to fix lunch?
I've got all kinds of condiments bottles, milk,
juice and what not sitting on the stove, counters
and in front of the microwave.  If I sit any foods
on the floor the cats think it's open game to them.
I know why this project has been postponed so
many times.  I don't think anyone wanted to do it!
I am almost 2 hours into it with a couple of
little breaks in there.  Not a fun job at all!


Took me about 2.5 hours to clean that darn fridge.
So glad it's done!  That was a chore!

Glad press n seal on the shelves and bottom of bins.


Still feeling like sh..crap!
Body hurts all over.
After I got the fridge cleaned and made lunch
I laid on the couch, watched tv and took a little nap.

Trying so hard to get supper fixed now.
I'm making my own version of KFC mashed potato bowls.
Mashed potato bottom,
topped with sliced carrots,
turkey gravy poured over top,
diced turkey on top of that
and lastly some velveeta melted on top.  


All I have for the pain is Walmart (Equate)
acetaminophin that don't work worth a crap.
Bought two 100 count bottles for $4
and are stuck with them.
I have now started taking three of them
in hopes of them working to relieve the pain.
Won't buy those again!
I've had good luck with Walgreens,
Kroger and Meijer brand.
Walmart brand, must be made in China. 

A Red-Bellied Woodpecker was in
our tree out back today.

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