Saturday, January 12, 2013



Every time you turn on the news or Facebook 
all you read about is the flu and how everyone should
get a flu shot.  Here is nature's flu shot-
Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
You cannot overdose on those vitamins and minerals
when eating foods with them. 
I cannot eat some fruits and veggies because
it will upset my stomach with cramps, cause bloating or diarrhea.

Here are other vitamins and home remedies
that I take to help ward off colds and flus
or lessen their duration.

Vitamin D3 
We lose the ability to soak
up the sun during the winter months.  This is why we get
more colds and flu during the winter than the summer months.
There is not enough vitamin D in your daily vitamins, only 400 IUs.
You need more like 1,000 to 10,000 IUs.
I take two 2,000 IUs of Vitamin D daily (4,000 IU total)

Vitamin C.
Women 75 mg a day
Smokers 250 mg a day

This is what Zicam has in it.

I've been trying to use garlic in a lot
of our homemade meals at home.

Eat plenty of yogurt.
It aides in immune system function
and helps to put the good bacteria back in your gut
and digestive system.

And it may not prevent colds but fish oil
or Omega 3's help people with 
autoimmune or inflammatory disorders, heart disease & diabetes.
This just in from meteorologist Chris Bradley.
After January 22nd we could see highs between
0 and 10 above with lows to 0 and 10 below.
I hate cold weather!  Makes my body hurt more.
So enjoy those warm temps today and be sure
to open up a few windows to help
ventilate the house out.


Time to head out soon and find hubby a new pair
of tennis shoes.  It seems like we just got him a
pair a month or two ago and they are
already splitting apart at the seams. 


Back home after spending a couple hours
on the East side.  We stopped in JC Penney outlet.
The shoes there didn't seem of any quality for the money.
But I did buy 2 packs of thick feeling socks
for the boys.  5 pairs for $2.99. 10 pairs total bought.
They can wear these to school and use their
older socks for around the house.  I just threw a bunch
out that had holes in them.  It's been about two years
since I've bought any new socks for me or the kids.
I try to buy me and the kids socks that all match (same size, brand and all white)  You can bleach the white ones and it
makes it much easier when it comes to matching
them up after washing.

Stopped by Payless.  I knew that would be a wasted
trip and it was.  Lastly went to KMart.
Found hubby a pair of Coleman shoes.
I know he's had a pair of these before
and they worked out pretty good for him.


We spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning house.
I'm getting tired and my stomach is throbbing.
My neck feels better but not quite 100%.
I can at least turn my head more but there's still some pain.


I got my large manager special ham all sliced up
and ready for the freezer.
Even though I saw online where people didn't recomend
using a mandolin to slice meats I had no problem
with using mine.  It was either that or trying to use a knife.
I loved how it made each slice somewhat
thin and even, about the thickness of bologna.

 I paid $7.88 for a $23 ham marked down at Kroger.
Seems like a lot but it will go a loooong way!

All sliced and ready to be bagged for the freezer.

There's enough ham for 18 meals here!!
Each bag has 10-12 slices of ham, maybe more.
Enough for everyone to have 2 slices each
and an extra couple of slices for hubby's work lunch.

Well time to go chill for the evening.
Maybe read a couple Reader's Digest magazines
I got today in the mail.  It was a Christmas gift from my dad :)
When you are sick or cooped up inside
during the winter months it's nice to have a stack
of magazines to be able to read.  I'll also sign up for
free subscriptions when I can or pick them up for
really cheap at yard sales (like .10 cents each)
and get a collection going
just for this time of year when we don't get out to
do many things.  Or they are nice to have when
sitting by the pool when the kids want to go swimming.

Oh one more note,
The trucks temperature for the outside said
it was 65 degrees today!
Gotta love that for January in Ohio!



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