Sunday, January 27, 2013



Me and hubby went out on a follow up call
from last night about 8:30am this morning
then got another call for a no heat.
Once done a maintenance guy who lives on the
property invited us over for some breakfast
then we had to go to Kroger to pick up 
some groceries for the week.
Now back home trying to clean the kitchen up
and round up laundry and give the kids some lunch.

I bought some gummy vitamins at Kroger for the
kids since they were out.  I also bought
something called Immune C plus zinc
and echinacea gummies to go with those vitamins.
I'm giving the kids 2 gummy vitamins
and one immune one instead of 2 since
they are already getting some of these vitamins
in the multi vitamin.  Don't want to overdo it.
Plus I'm taking one of the immune ones as well
instead of taking a zicam.  I'll save those
for if someone does actually get a cold.

I've been researching echinacea.
It's made from a plant called purple coneflower
or black-eyed susan and has been used
for centuries in America to treat sickness.

I know I watch a lot of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman.
Much of the history in that show is true.
Just the other day Dr. Quinn was treating an epidemic
and Sully wanted her to experiment with
Indian herbal medicine and she was hesitant to use it
until she got sick and Sully sent one of her children
out to the Indians to pick up purple coneflower
to make tea for her to get better and she did.
So what they used back then called purple coneflower is called
echinacea today to treat sickness and colds, same thing.
Just thought I would share that information with you.

Ok this is getting weird, lol.
We just checked the mailbox today because we forgot to
yesterday.  I got something in the mail and
when I checked the return address it said it was from...
Colorado Springs, CO
(Twilight zone music going off in background) 
FYI, Colorado Springs is where Dr. Quinn takes place.

Read HERE about the benefits of Echinacea.

If you take prescriptions or even other over the counter medicines please check with your doctor or pharmacist to see if there are any
drug interactions first.

If your doctor is like mine he may not wish to discuss
anything that is considered a home remedy
or herbal remedies.  I've asked doctors in the past
if hubby should take multi vitamins due to having
Diabetes 2 and he was totally against it.
And anytime I would mention anything about
home remedies he wouldn't listen to me.
Doctor's can't make money off you if you 
try to remedy yourself at home.
This is just me, but I believe doctors
and some of their prescribed medicines can do more
harm than good.


Still been running to work because of hubby's pager.
Got another 3 hours this afternoon.
A total of 16.75 hours this weekend alone so far
and still have another 15 hours to go
with freezing rain expected in about an hour
around 6:00pm.

Whew I'm getting tired.
I thought I was ahead of my game with things
to do around the house even though we've been gone most of the day.  I've been doing laundry in between
trips between home and work.
On our last trip home I put some taco meat
that was in a crock in the fridge into the crock pot base
and turned it on to warm hoping it would be warmed
up by the time we got back home and
I could just throw some tacos together.
Well crap, guess who forgot to plug the crock pot in?!
Now are thinking with the busy schedule we've
been having of running almost non stop
of stopping in and getting a few Little Ceasea pizzas
for $5 each.  Plus I need to get some gas in my truck
to take kids back and forth to the bus stop this week.
We've been saving gas by using hubby's car on the
weekends the last couple of weeks. 


Hubby has been wanting a phone holder to put on his belt.
He found a cheap one at the thrift store that was perfect
and had a clip that fit well on his belt.
The only problem was that it had pink on it.
I fixed it for him by dying it black.
I took a bottle of black and diluted and
and began blotting the paint on the fabric of
the cell phone holder.


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