Saturday, July 27, 2013



Here in a little bit we are heading to Mt Carmel West hospital.
My father-in-law had a stroke.
Didn't find out til hubby tried to call him and wish
him a happy birthday Thursday evening.
His birthday is actually today.
No one had told us and I'm not sure if anyone would of
told us if we hadn't of called.  Then my mother-in-law
told us this is the 5th one he's had this year!!!
Did not even have a clue that he had been
having problems this year or had been in the hospital.
No one bothered to tell us!!

My father-in-law went into the hospital Thursday
and they released him Friday only to still have
problems and turn around and have to go
back to the hospital Friday afternoon/evening.
He's started having problems about
12 years ago, having heart attacks/strokes and 
operations.   He had to end up quitting his job
where me and hubby used to work
and he was our supervisor.

This would suck to have to spend your birthday
in the hospital.  I know, I took my first ambulance
ride and a trip to the emergency room on
my 40th birthday.

So I'm standing out front along the street talking
to mom who had brought us down some dessert
when we hear this weird noise that caught our attention.
My neighbor who parks some of their cars along
the side street had gotten into her car that was parked
beside some bushes and for some reason
cranked her wheels when backing up and
totally drove the front part of the car over the bushes!
The sound we heard was the plastic nose almost
came completely off the car from the headlights down,
it was completely hanging by a thread and dragging the ground!

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