Monday, July 22, 2013



It appears that the little walk me and hubby did last
night didn't do anything to help my hip pain.
It still bothered me last night while trying to sleep
but wasn't as bad as the night before.
This morning getting up and trying to walk
was the same.  It hurts so bad that I have to
find things to hold onto as I walk.
I'm hoping it will go away soon like it usually
does but in the meantime it's a real bitch to deal with!

I feel like everything is fighting me to work on this
basement.  First my truck brake lights have a mind
of their own and work when they want to.
I need the truck to haul crap out of here.
Then there's Crohn's which makes visits
making me feel really tired, achy and tries to
see how many bathroom trips I can make in one day
and lastly there's this hip pain making it difficult to even walk or sleep.  
It's actually pain that is in the upper left buttock area which
I wonder if it is sciatic nerve pain because
I can at times feel it going down my leg,
sometimes to my knee, sometimes to my ankle and foot.
All I know is it REALLY hurts!!


Well I got a little bit of rest this morning before
hearing the loud and blaring warnings come
across the tv for flash flooding in our area.
Soon after mom called to tell me is was really
pouring rain outside.  I had no clue since I was asleep.
I know we cleaned our gutters not long ago
and it was raining so hard the water was overflowing
the gutters.  Every once in a blue moon when it rains
this hard is when we would get a little water
running through the basement so I went and checked
on that and sure enough there was.
It was coming from the front basement wall 
and running towards the drain in the laundry room
in which the water had to go underneath
another non brick wall in the basement.
Thank goodness the breaker box is not leaking like
in the past where it took out the main breaker
and we lost power to half of our house.
I have been noticing that when people get new breaker
boxes installed they seem to leak so be sure
to go outside and caulk around any and all holes
going through your basement walls from wiring
to cables.  Once I caulked everything the leaking stopped
around the breaker box.


Had to go out in the rain and clear a stick blocking
the downspout of a gutter.
I then took a gander at the yard behind the fence
and it's starting to flood into my garden.
Looks like we could get more heavy rain coming
up from the Cincinatti area heading NE.
Hubby said the main drive of where he works
looks like a river flowing through there!


Hubby just called to say he's got more
mandatory overtime at least til Wednesday of this week.
I'm sure there will be lots more to come
from now til around September.
For the past week he will have put in 19 hours overtime
for a total of 59 hours.

I read that we got between 2 to 2.5 inches of rain
today, mostly this morning and that's the reason
for the flooding.  More rain to come overnight and into tomorrow.


I have been so tired and sore today with my back 
and not walking the greatest that supper isn't
going to be much.  I opened a box of 
cheesy bacon scalloped potatoes,
added in some of my own homemade sliced
dehydrated potatoes and are going to call it a meal.
It's making a real big casserole dish full of 'em.
They can scoop it into a bowl, add some milk, french onions,
crackers or whatever.

Tomorrow I'm thinking about making some chili.
HERE is a simple recipe made with tomato soup.
I got some red kidney beans I'll be soaking overnight tonight.


This evening ibuprofen just laughed in my face
and said we're through.
Hasn't helped the first lick.
Feeling miserable all over.  Of course hubby wanted
to go for another walk and it was all I could
do to get in and out of a car let alone walk,
but I did it.  He seems to think that if I sit around
sometimes that is what is making my body hurt more
and I should go out and exercise to loosen it up.
If he only knew :0(
I had been working my butt off in the basement,
going places with the family and helping him at work
plus my regular mom duties around the house
with cooking, cleaning and laundry.
I do this at full speed when I can because
I know days like these will catch up with me
and it SUCKS!!
Like I always say, picture getting the flu
and the body aches and pains, tiredness
and sometimes a mild fever
that comes with it.  
That's how I feel lots of times but it's not the flu
or a virus.  It's all symptoms of Crohn's.
It knocks you out in one punch when 
the symptoms come knocking.
I went back to bed this morning because I was so tired
from pain and not sleeping well.
Hell I didn't even know it was pouring down
rain outside and flooding in places til mom called and woke me up.
I went back to bed this afternoon as well
because the tiredness and pain overwhelmed me
and I'm getting ready to go to bed for the night
and I feel like I could sleep again no problem.
I'm tired of being tired and in pain.
Ya know what upset me most during our walk tonight?
A female senior citizen blew by us on the
walking trail.  Me, I looked like a hunchbacked troll
that crawled out from underneath a bridge
trying to walk for the first time.
How old do you have to be to get some pain medicine
or some type of relief?!!!
I don't think I can wait another 20-30 years!
I've told my doctor the pain is so bad at times
and nothing.  

1 comment:

  1. I hope you feel better soon! Despite your pain in the hip, seemed like you did a lot of chores done. And you removed the stick that blocked the downspout of your gutter. Hopefully, the gutter does its job for the next heavy rains to come.

    AJC Roofing
