Tuesday, July 16, 2013



Gonna be another hot one today til Friday in the 90's.
That's ok, I'll be spending time in the basement
where it's cool.  I've got the air conditioner set at 78 degrees
and it feels comfortable in here.  We were at a friend's
apartment last night and he had his AC set on 65.
Must be nice not to worry about money.
Need to put a quietus on spending too much money for a bit.
We've got 6 months to go til tax time
and need to make it last or stretch it as far as I can.
Another big bonus isn't in store for another month
which would help a little bit to get by.
Don't get confused by the word big in my terms.
To me $10 is considered a lot!  

On a brighter note I think I got my brake lights fixed.
So far they've been working and staying on.
I think I had a pinched wire or something
because all I did was move some wires around
to make them work again.


Whelp, looks like I need to go to hubby's work this morning.
Last night when we went out on call to his work
we took a load of stuff from the basement to be dumped
and had to take my truck.
Hubby put his tools in the back of the truck for work
and guess where those tools are still at?
Yup, in the back of the truck.


Back home.  Stopped in Kroger for some drinks
and needed some laundry soap.
Bought the cheapest dry laundry soap they had
for $9.99.  It was something like 22 pounds
and does about 150 loads.
Something is better than nothing and right
now I am about depleted of the laundry soaps
we have been finding at hubby's work.
I did run out of liquid fabric softener and now
use dryer sheets.  We have found a ton of those
to last me til next year!

Brought up a couple more small fans out of the basement
and have them going and have the ceiling fan on yeehaw.  
Keeping it dark in here and the windows covered also helps.
Still have the air conditioner
set at 78 degrees to try and cut the costs of
the electric bill.
Right now our thermometer probe outside is reading 92.4 degrees
in the shade.  Don't know what the heat index is. 


Thermometer is reading 95.7.
Decided to put the ac from 78 down to 76
and it's a struggle for it to even go down 1 degree
because of how hot it is outside.
It took awhile to get to 77 so that's where I'm leaving it at for now
til maybe this evening after the sun goes down.

I've been working on the laundry and basement.
Sometimes I wonder if it
even looks like I am making any progress down there.
Made me feel good when one of the kids came
down and said he can see a BIG difference.
That made me feel good and to want to keep going.
I should of took before pictures so I'd have something
to compare it to.
I need someone to cheer me on because
I could very easily get burnt out on doing this.
I am going through every single little thing,
every box, every paper, you name it.
I think I am averaging keeping one box
to every 8-9 I get rid of!  To me that is really good.
Now my problem is I have lots of empty
totes and boxes taking up space to the point
I have to keep them out under the carport, lol.


Just got back from hubby's work and closing pools.
We were at the largest pool they have tidying up the pool area,
it was almost dark out, and I see something furry and whitish
gray walking under the pool chairs.  I'm hollering at hubby from
across the pool saying, WHAT'S THAT?!  
From a distance I thought
it was an opossum from the color.
I wasn't sure if it was a wild animal or what or
if I should even get near it but it was heading
in hubby's direction.
As I got closer and realized it wasn't running away
from me is when I discovered it was a ferret of all things, LOL!
I was afraid he would be looking to get a drink
of water sooner or later and could end up
drowning in the pool so I scooped him up.
Let me tell ya, those suckers stink like
they've been rolling in pee, GAG!
We took it to a lady who works and lives on the property
who raises rats, rabbits, mice and so on so I know
it would go to a good home or until she could
post signs and find the owner.

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