Oh yeah, I see a nap in the near future today.
Dozed off last night at 9:30pm woke back
up at 10:30pm to make sure kids had gone to bed.
2:00am awoke really thirsty and chugged a bunch of water.
4:00am woke up again really thirsty and drank some more water.
5:07am belly cramps woke me up so ran to the potty.
After that I just decided to stay up because the alarm
was due to go off at 5:30am.
Another trip to the potty at 5:30am.
Just feel like my body is going in so many directions
between potty trips, throwing up, thirsty,
cold chills, hot flashes, tiredness, stomach and body throbbing
and no energy at times.
The only thing missing is the severe stomach pain I had
when that put me over the edge to finally go
to the hospital the first time.
I don't want to have to go back to the hospital.
Who can afford to keep going back there?
Brrr again. It's 17 degrees outside with about a 9 degree wind chill.
My goodness I was having hot flashes this morning.
It's so cold outside and I only wore a sweater
and about had my head hanging out the window
of the truck at the bus stop.
But good news is that I started feeling hungry
so when I got back home I warmed up some pizza rolls
and are having a glass of apple juice.
I don't care what I eat or what time of day it is,
if I'm hungry I'm all for it especially
when I don't have a very good appetite.
I laid down from about 8-10:30am.
Of course my stomach woke me up and
I had to run to the potty.
Right now I'm trying to eat more pizza rolls.
Not as hungry and they don't taste as good as before
but trying to get more food in me.
Went from being hot to now being chilly.
Time to grab a sweater.
I had some leftover pork roast in a crock
in the fridge I thought I would use for supper.
I peered into the crock and there's one little ole
itty bitty piece of pork in there!
ughhhh. Well so much for that idea even
after I told everyone I wanted to use the leftovers
for another meal. Looks like a freezer meal
will be used for supper tonight.
I don't really feel like cooking or baking
and are trying to limit any trips to the grocery store
trying to cut back because bills are gonna be due soon.
Mom has called my digestive doctor's office
and they are going to call her back.
We're trying to find out what I should do
with feeling the way that I do.
This morning I noticed my lips were getting really dry
and this afternoon I noticed my eyes burning
which worries me that I may be dehydrated.
I've drank a half glass of pop, gatorade, apple juice
and working on my 2nd or 3rd glass of water.
Why, when I was in the hospital for as long as I was,
being pumped full of anything and everything,
am I not even feeling the least bit better?!
I did gain my weight back soon after getting out
of the hospital because prednisone can make
you feel hungry. But now I am back down 10 pounds again.
Doctor's office called me and said there was no other
appointments available unless there is a cancellation.
The secretary said my doctor suggested I got
to the emergency room to get fluids due to possible
dehydration. I'm trying to avoid more costs of
going to an emergency room. Mom is calling some pharmacies
to see what else is out there that I can drink.
maybe something like Pedialyte.
I don't know, we'll have to see.
I really don't want to go to the ER!!!
Mom's going to Kroger to get me some Gatorade.
The pharmacy actually recommended the
pedialyte because it has low sugar and has electrolites.
Well I know Gatorade has electrolites
and a lower sugar also because I get it for
hubby sometimes and he's a diabetic.
Drinking Gatorade and Pediolyte, well as much as
I can tolerate, not exactly a favorite of mine.
How does pedialyte not have sugar in it
according to a pharmacist.
It tastes soo much sweater than gatorade.
I have dried out lips, dried out eyes and hardly any tears.
Been feeding my eyes eye drops.