Went down to the flea market this morning
in hopes to find something for my step-dad for Father's Day.
I got him a weather station with
temperature, barometer and humidity meter for $1.00.
I got hubby 2 AC gauges for Father's Day.
I know we're going to the NASCAR track
for Father's Day but I wanted him to actually
be able to have something that he could use at work.
To go out and buy AC gauges are NOT cheap!!
Let me break it down for ya.
The three hoses go for $100 a set.
The blue shut off valves go for $47 a set of 3.
The valve mainfold gauges go for $55.
I paid $10.00 for one AC set
and $5.00 for the other AC gauge set!!!!!!!!!
Hubby's been studying to get certified in HVAC,
that's heating and cooling for those who don't know.
His work will pay for him to get tested and certified
if he can pass the test. If he can get certified then
he could make an extra $1-$2 an hour!!
2 new wireless door alarms. $1.00 each.
I like to put these on the shed doors
and maybe one on the back driveway gate.
I was going to enclose my solar dehydrator with wood
until I found this roll of heavy duty black
rubber type waterproof material for $2.00.
I think that would work perfect and be easier for putting
around the sides of the dehydrator rather than
cutting wood to fit and nailing it on.
Still working on figuring out how to make trays and
brackets. I have been looking for small pieces
of wood like 1/2" x 1/2" or 1" x 1" boards with no luck.
I ran across a box of new metal brackets that I might
be able to use even if I had to cut the larger ones in half.
They were .05 cents each!
I was so glad I had my inhaler in my purse while
walking the flea market because at one time
I felt like there was a tightness in my chest
and couldn't hardly breath.
It felt like someone was choking me.
I took on puff off the inhaler and have been fine since.
I know one of my prescriptions or maybe
a combination of them makes me feel weird.
This morning I took amoxacillin and my inhaler
and had no problem so I'm wondering if it's
the Prednisone/steroids doing it.
I just now took them after eating lunch.
You have to take them with food because they
are uncoated and will make you sick if you don't.
So we'll see how I feel after that.
For the past week I haven't been sleeping well
at night due to coughing and pain.
Well yesterday I noticed the coughing let up some
so thought maybe I'd go to bed around 10pm
and get some needed sleep.
Oh hell no, I think the steroids kept me
from sleeping or something.
I couldn't sleep worth nothing
and believe me I tried very hard.
I did not finally fall asleep til 3:00am!!!
Then hubby woke me up this morning
at 6:30am wanting to know if I wanted
to go the flea market.
I have no idea how my butt is not dragging at the moment.
I don't feel tired even though I slept 3.5 hours.
Told ya the prescriptions have me feeling and acting weird.
Weird to the point I sat up and watched tv
and started writing a poem that just entered my
head. I haven't wrote poems in many years.
I've had a couple even published in some books.
LOL, maybe I need to go into my bedroom
and check out my notebook of the poem I wrote.
I vaguely remember it, LOL.
It was like I am on a drunken high with these pills.
OK I got my notebook that was beside my bed.
Wanna see what I wrote? LOL.
Must of been thinking about vacation and
getting the heck out of Columbus!
Just remember when reading I am on
some funky prescription meds!
The Other Side
The grass is greener,
the air is cleaner
on the other side,
I'm stepping outside boundaries,
outside several counties,
to the other side.
Beyond the concrete cracks,
and all the city tracks,
to the other side.
Rolling hills and dusty roads,
this is where I want to go,
to the other side.
When I see waters of blue and sunsets of gold
is when I'll know
that the grass IS greener on the other side.
Oh yeah I need a few more pills, LMAO!
Got my garden fertilized.
I put 2 teaspoon of coffee grounds around each
acid loving plant and then put a handful of
epsom salt around each one and watered slightly
to dissolve the espom salt.
Put another layer of leaf mulch on the potato plants.
They are growing like crazy to the point it's
hard to keep up with them, lol.
Just got home not long ago
and got supper made. I made a copycat version
of KFC bowls. Everyone is STUFFED!
My layers included,
mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, popcorn chicken,
chicken gravy and melted sharp cheddar cheese on top.
Serve it all with some garlic bread slices.
Went on call earlier with hubby.
We had to replace a broken fridge with a new one.
While hubby was getting a new fridge out
of the maintenance garage I decided to take
a peak into the nearest dumpster.
Hubby said there was going to be a bunch
of move outs this month so I've been keeping
an eye out for goodies.
By the time hubby got the fridge out of the garage
I had his back seat of his car full of stuff
I found in the dumpster, lol.
I'm working on getting some photos posted.
Still not sure of everything I got as I was
grabbing some boxes full of stuff.
I do know it was a GOOD haul.
Be right back. Going to go check out my freebies :0)
Here's the stuff I found.
A pair of fog lights,
Club with key,
3 amplifiers,
2 stereos with removable face plates,
a kicker speaker and a box with stereo wires.
Those amplifiers are some heavy suckers!
I don't know nothing about these stereo items.
We'll probably hold onto the car stereos
and use the amplifiers as bartering items.
Here are a couple kitchen things I found
along with some spray cologne.
The peanuts and blueberry muffins went
to the squirrels and birds.
Someone threw away this plant with red flowers away.
With a little love I think I can bring it back to life.
There no plant stick with it.
At first I thought it was a Bleeding Heart
but after looking at photos of them I think
it might be something else.
Started digging up all my onions.
I'm getting tired of mowing around them in the
middle of the yard where I used to have my garden
plus some were starting to send up flower blooms
which isn't good. Once that happens you lose your onion.
I'll use these pearl onions in a beef stew or roast.
We decided to make a run back to hubby's work
to see if anything else had been set out from move out
plus we also wanted to check the speedometer in the truck
to see how the tires affected it's accuracy.
First we went down to Speedway to get a splash of gas
and then realized we forgot the Tom Tom GPS
so I swung back by the house and pulled at the end
of the drive and ran in to get it.
When I came back out it sounded like a couple of birds
fighting in our little tree by the drive.
Then I see my son jumping out of the truck running
across the yard and hubby yelling,
get 'em, get 'em, get 'em.
I'm like, what the hell.
One of our squirrels had ventured around the neighborhood
and was coming back home around 7:30pm
to return to his nest. As he happily crossed the yard
he was unaware of a cat in the pompass grass
that jumped out and attacked him.
My son chased off the cat and the squirrel
hobbled to the backyard where we checked on him.
He was leaving a blood spot trail behind him.
He was trying his hardest to climb the large tree
out back but couldn't make it but only
about 4-5 feet and was week.
He was scared of us and came back down and
ran under the ramp to our shed.
If it wasn't for us returning back home for the
GPS he'd of been a goner. I'm not saying he
is in the clear because there was a lot
of blood on his chest and he was hobbling.
When we returned back home from hubby's work
an hour or so later I pulled up the ramp a little
to check on him to see he was still moving.
It looks like he was rooting around in the dirt
probably covering his puncture wounds from the cat.
We crumpled up some of the blueberry muffins
and some peanuts we found earlier and put
them under the ramp and covered both sides
with some boards to hopefully keep the stray cats out.
Will check on him tomorrow.
He's a younger squirrel. I prefer to be able
to watch my squirrels in the yard than to have to
deal with neighbor stray cats that come around
and drive my cats nuts in the house and then
the strays piss on everything outside, GRRR.
Need to get the bb gun out and sting their ass
a few more times I see.
Anyways getting back to going to hubby's work looking
for goodies. I was able to find a sofa table to replace
the crappy bookshelf I have in my son's room where
he plays his video games. All the shelves are falling off it.
Not pictured is also a cd rack I found earlier this
week that I got to hold all their games.
We did have to repair one leg with new screws
but it is solid wood compared to that bookshelf
which was particle board put together crap.
And I also found this plant stand with a marbled top.
Might give this to mom for one of her ivy type plants.
Well in an hour I'm going to take my amoxacillin
and attempt to head to bed.
I am still going on 3.5-4 hours sleep
and still feel like I'm going strong somehow.
I gotta work on my truck some tomorrow
or in the near, near future.
Of course right before our trip it's going to act up, GRRR.
Hubby noticed my brake lights not wanting to work again.
I hate the thought of twisting my body up underneath
the dash to get to that switch that I replaced
right before Winter. It's in a really tight spot where
I have to put my hands in between metal.
I have this fear of getting body parts stuck
and hubby having to call the fire department
to have them cut me out of the truck, lol.
Second I think we need to change the fuel filter.
Twice this week while sitting at a traffic
light the truck just up and sounded like it was going to die.
I would put it in park and rev the engine and it would be fine.
Ya give the truck new parts and it craps on ya.
That's the thanks I get.
It's had how many months to show it's ass
and now wants to start this crap
6 days before our trip, ahhhh.
Waiting to take my next dose of medicine
and passing some time.
Was researching Prednisone and are finding
that many people
are facing insomnia and loosing sleep while on it.
Ok I'm not imagining things with taking this Presnisone
after researching it further.
It does make you feel weird, hyper, wirey,
like a high or buzz going on.
You see how much I'm typing on here since yesterday.
I'm wired!
I feel like I'm going full speed.
I know doctors will sometimes put you on
Prednisone if you get a Crohn's flare up
so that's where I had heard of the medicine before.
Not sure if my doc has put me on it yet
but there have been some things he's put me on that
my body did not tolerate very well and gave
me bad belly pains and I had to be taken off them
right away.
Ok I'm going to take my antibiotic early and head
to bed now that my eyeballs feel so dried out
from hardly any sleep.
Got my fingers crossed for more than 3.5 hours sleep tonight.
And I gotta take that Prednisone all the way
into vacation time. VROOM!
Just got home not long ago
and got supper made. I made a copycat version
of KFC bowls. Everyone is STUFFED!
My layers included,
mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing, popcorn chicken,
chicken gravy and melted sharp cheddar cheese on top.
Serve it all with some garlic bread slices.
Went on call earlier with hubby.
We had to replace a broken fridge with a new one.
While hubby was getting a new fridge out
of the maintenance garage I decided to take
a peak into the nearest dumpster.
Hubby said there was going to be a bunch
of move outs this month so I've been keeping
an eye out for goodies.
By the time hubby got the fridge out of the garage
I had his back seat of his car full of stuff
I found in the dumpster, lol.
I'm working on getting some photos posted.
Still not sure of everything I got as I was
grabbing some boxes full of stuff.
I do know it was a GOOD haul.
Be right back. Going to go check out my freebies :0)
Here's the stuff I found.
A pair of fog lights,
Club with key,
3 amplifiers,
2 stereos with removable face plates,
a kicker speaker and a box with stereo wires.
Those amplifiers are some heavy suckers!
I don't know nothing about these stereo items.
We'll probably hold onto the car stereos
and use the amplifiers as bartering items.
Here are a couple kitchen things I found
along with some spray cologne.
The peanuts and blueberry muffins went
to the squirrels and birds.
Someone threw away this plant with red flowers away.
With a little love I think I can bring it back to life.
There no plant stick with it.
At first I thought it was a Bleeding Heart
but after looking at photos of them I think
it might be something else.
Started digging up all my onions.
I'm getting tired of mowing around them in the
middle of the yard where I used to have my garden
plus some were starting to send up flower blooms
which isn't good. Once that happens you lose your onion.
I'll use these pearl onions in a beef stew or roast.
We decided to make a run back to hubby's work
to see if anything else had been set out from move out
plus we also wanted to check the speedometer in the truck
to see how the tires affected it's accuracy.
First we went down to Speedway to get a splash of gas
and then realized we forgot the Tom Tom GPS
so I swung back by the house and pulled at the end
of the drive and ran in to get it.
When I came back out it sounded like a couple of birds
fighting in our little tree by the drive.
Then I see my son jumping out of the truck running
across the yard and hubby yelling,
get 'em, get 'em, get 'em.
I'm like, what the hell.
One of our squirrels had ventured around the neighborhood
and was coming back home around 7:30pm
to return to his nest. As he happily crossed the yard
he was unaware of a cat in the pompass grass
that jumped out and attacked him.
My son chased off the cat and the squirrel
hobbled to the backyard where we checked on him.
He was leaving a blood spot trail behind him.
He was trying his hardest to climb the large tree
out back but couldn't make it but only
about 4-5 feet and was week.
He was scared of us and came back down and
ran under the ramp to our shed.
If it wasn't for us returning back home for the
GPS he'd of been a goner. I'm not saying he
is in the clear because there was a lot
of blood on his chest and he was hobbling.
When we returned back home from hubby's work
an hour or so later I pulled up the ramp a little
to check on him to see he was still moving.
It looks like he was rooting around in the dirt
probably covering his puncture wounds from the cat.
We crumpled up some of the blueberry muffins
and some peanuts we found earlier and put
them under the ramp and covered both sides
with some boards to hopefully keep the stray cats out.
Will check on him tomorrow.
He's a younger squirrel. I prefer to be able
to watch my squirrels in the yard than to have to
deal with neighbor stray cats that come around
and drive my cats nuts in the house and then
the strays piss on everything outside, GRRR.
Need to get the bb gun out and sting their ass
a few more times I see.
Anyways getting back to going to hubby's work looking
for goodies. I was able to find a sofa table to replace
the crappy bookshelf I have in my son's room where
he plays his video games. All the shelves are falling off it.
Not pictured is also a cd rack I found earlier this
week that I got to hold all their games.
We did have to repair one leg with new screws
but it is solid wood compared to that bookshelf
which was particle board put together crap.
And I also found this plant stand with a marbled top.
Might give this to mom for one of her ivy type plants.
Well in an hour I'm going to take my amoxacillin
and attempt to head to bed.
I am still going on 3.5-4 hours sleep
and still feel like I'm going strong somehow.
I gotta work on my truck some tomorrow
or in the near, near future.
Of course right before our trip it's going to act up, GRRR.
Hubby noticed my brake lights not wanting to work again.
I hate the thought of twisting my body up underneath
the dash to get to that switch that I replaced
right before Winter. It's in a really tight spot where
I have to put my hands in between metal.
I have this fear of getting body parts stuck
and hubby having to call the fire department
to have them cut me out of the truck, lol.
Second I think we need to change the fuel filter.
Twice this week while sitting at a traffic
light the truck just up and sounded like it was going to die.
I would put it in park and rev the engine and it would be fine.
Ya give the truck new parts and it craps on ya.
That's the thanks I get.
It's had how many months to show it's ass
and now wants to start this crap
6 days before our trip, ahhhh.
Waiting to take my next dose of medicine
and passing some time.
Was researching Prednisone and are finding
that many people
are facing insomnia and loosing sleep while on it.
Ok I'm not imagining things with taking this Presnisone
after researching it further.
It does make you feel weird, hyper, wirey,
like a high or buzz going on.
You see how much I'm typing on here since yesterday.
I'm wired!
I feel like I'm going full speed.
I know doctors will sometimes put you on
Prednisone if you get a Crohn's flare up
so that's where I had heard of the medicine before.
Not sure if my doc has put me on it yet
but there have been some things he's put me on that
my body did not tolerate very well and gave
me bad belly pains and I had to be taken off them
right away.
Ok I'm going to take my antibiotic early and head
to bed now that my eyeballs feel so dried out
from hardly any sleep.
Got my fingers crossed for more than 3.5 hours sleep tonight.
And I gotta take that Prednisone all the way
into vacation time. VROOM!
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