Tuesday, June 25, 2013


7:00 - 8:00am

Tried to get out and work on the solar dehydrator
before the heat set in.
Got all the railings put in that I had.
I actually removed the ones I put in last
night and made them a little wider apart.
It's a work in progress that I have to tweak as I go.
It's not like I have a set of plans to go by.

Right now I have 6 railings.
I'd like to put maybe another 6 in there but need
to get more wood cut.

As I was walking to the garden I found
a baby sparrow in my flower bed.

I think I've counted 5 zucchinis growing so far.

These are baby green bell peppers.

Beefmaster tomatoes.

Lots of sweet banana peppers.


I like to pick up cheap windshield shades for
cars at yard sales.
I use them in our home during the Summer months when the
weather is like 85-100+ degrees outside.
With the shiny side facing out I put these
shades between the blind and the window
to help deflect the heat from the sun.
Helps with keeping the house cool 
and the air conditioner with having to work so hard.


Got supper going.
Having baked pork chops.  Two have onion soup
mix sprinkled on top with garlic herb seasoning
while the other one which the kids will
share has just the garlic & herb seasoning.
I also sliced up a bunch of potatoes and
are frying them up in the skillet
with some salt, pepper and onion powder.
Was thinking about making some
country gravy to top it all off with.

Hubby's going to be late tonight getting home.
I guess his work told all employees they
have to work mandatory overtime for the next three days.
Would of been nice to know ahead of time
instead of springing it upon them today.
I shouldn't complain.  The overtime and
extra money will be good to build the
checking account back up some.


Aww yeah now that's what I'm talking about.


Hubby came home from work and cut the boards
I had marked for my door and trays.
I got 4 trays made (minus the screens).
The 5th tray I took back apart and didn't use
because it had warped boards and would not lay flat.
The door is only half made because
one board broke in half due to a knot being in the middle of it
which weakened it.
Glad all this stuff is happening before
getting everything put together!
I'm all out of small boards and need to
round up more wood to take to hubby's work
so he can put it on the miter saw.
It's a start anyways.
Still need to make more trays, more rails,
put screen on all the trays, make the door,
add hinges and slide lock,
add a strip of wood to each side of the box
so it makes sliding the trays in much easier,
add screen to all the sides of the box
as added protection to keep the bugs out,
add rubber black fabric around all sides to hold the heat in,
and lastly hook up the solar heater to it.
I've only just begun, lol.
I would still like to find an old coffee/end table
to set the dehydrator on then possibly
run the vent in the middle of the bottom of the box
that way heat rises evenly over everything.
What a pain in the butt!  And the heat outside doesn't help.
But it's something I will use year after year so that's a plus.
Right now for no apparent reason other than Crohn's,
my body/joints are feeling really sore just
starting this evening.
Hubby came up and just touched my shoulder normal
and my muscles hurt so bad.
My left hip has been bothering me again
for the last 3-4 days.  Feels like bones rubbing
together when I walk.  Been eating tylenol.

These are the trays that slide in and out
on the rails.

Still looking for a heavy duty, cheap or free table to set
the dehydrator on.
Here is a picture of someone's solar dehydrator
where it sits off the ground so the hot
air from the solar heater can enter from the bottom.
Of course this solar heater is permanently attached
to the dehydrator.  For mine I want to be able
to use it for dehydrating in the Summer and
as a heater in the Winter time for our home.
Too much money and hard work goes into these
things and I want it to be more practical and
have more than one use that's why I got wheels
to add to it in the near future.  To be able
to move it around.

Dehydrated foods stored in mason jars 
or vacuum sealed mylar bags can last up to a year or more
if stored in a cool temperature like an unheated basement.
So when you see a good sale on fruits and veggies
over the Summer, stock up so you can enjoy them
year round.  
I have found that Aldis seems to have the best produce prices.
By dehydrating and stocking up saves on gas and trips to
the store.  
It saves on electric by not having to freeze everything. 
Plus dehydrated items take up much less space!
Now dehydrating does change the texture of the food
so it's not going to be like you're eating a fresh
slice of vegetable or fruits.  These items usually
go into soups or casseroles.
And in some cases can be eaten as snacks like
banana or apple chips. 

Got gas tonight for $3.24 at UDF.
The cheapest it's been in awhile
considering we're still dropping from the $4.00 mark.
The NE Cols. Turkey Hill is $3.37.
About a week ago it was $3.93 in Upper Arlington.

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