Monday, April 15, 2013



I got my two raspberry canes planted this morning finally.
For now I put them in containers.

The only things growing at the moment
are lilies and onions.  The onions I planted last year.
The cooler weather has not affected them.
They seem to like it as they've been growing
for about the past month.  

 I was greeted in our backyard by our robin.
She seems to return every year and builds
a nest in the pine tree.   Here she is with some
grass in her beak.  Was thinking about putting
a bundle of dryer lint out for the birds so
they could use it to build nests with.

On the lower branches of the pine tree is
the robin building her nest.
Kind of hard to see her behind the branch
in the upper middle portion of the picture.

In the upper branches of the pine tree is a squirrel's nest.

The neighbor behind us cut down most all their
tree so it seems like all the little critters are 
moving into our yard now.
I haven't seen the rabbits or opossum yet
but have seen a couple bats that usually fly around
our home in the evening.  


Got some laundry hung up, in the dryer and in the washer.
It's taking a little longer this week due
to yesterday's trip to the race track.
Rounded up my dryer lint I've been saving
and put it out in the old lanterns I have hanging
on the fence and around the base of the pine tree.
Sure wish they would use this instead of
ripping open my outdoor swing cushions
and using that stuffing, grrr.  


Might go lay down and take a nap here in a bit.
Hubby called off work today because
he wasn't feeling the greatest this morning.
I wasn't even sure we were going to make
it out to the track yesterday because
he said he wasn't feeling well then.


Freebies that came today in the mailbox.

3 Poise pads & a coupon
for a free Skinny Cow chocolate candy up to $4.99.

Today is the last day to file your taxes
and many places have deals today only.
For example today you can buy 1 Big Mac
and get one for .15 cents at McDonalds.
Guess what I had for lunch?


Well ain't this quite a colorful group.
I know just around the corner from here the
church has English classes and some of these folks
walk to and from the church everyday.
I've never seen this many and it looks like
they were on a field trip today with a guide,
a guide that was taking this group up into
people's driveways and yards to look at plants
and flowers.  I think that is a wrong thing to do.
People around here kinda freak out if strangers,
let alone a whole group of them, come up into
your yard without permission and start touching
or picking your flowers.
The yellow house is where I pick up one child
to take to the bus stop in the morning.
I could only imagine what his grandmother was
thinking when she looked out her window
to see all these folks in her driveway.
Notice how all the men are in the back of the line
and women are up front.
There are some countries that it is the complete opposite
as I see the man walking way ahead of his wife.


I decided to take our fans outside for
a Spring cleaning.  They were accumulating
dust or should I say a fur coat from
being used during the Winter months.
I used to take fans apart and wash them in the tub.
Now I just take them outside, spray with some cleaner
and then spray off with a hose.
I try not to spray water directly on the motor.
Then I allow them to sit outside for a couple
hours to dry.
3 pole fans done and 3 more to go,
1 is a table top fan and two are
a window fans with double blades in each.


Supper tonight will be bbq chicken wraps.
I'll fry up some breaded chicken fingers
and place them on flour tortillas with
bbq sauce, bacon, lettuce, cheese and tomatoes.
Pretty easy to make.
Kids especially love things wrapped in tortillas. 


Me and hubby went out in the backyard.
I decided I would get on the hammock.
I sat (not laid) on it in the middle and had just made
the comment to hubby, "watch me flip over" joking
because hammocks can be tricky to get in and out of.
No sooner did that come out of my mouth and I did a back flip
on my head and landed on the ground.
Oh yeah, my back doesn't feel too good now.
All I remember is looking up through the woven ropes of the
bottom of the hammock and hubby looking down at
me asking me if I was alright.
He said, "I'd never seen someone land on their head like that."
For the past couple of days I've had a kink in my neck
which hurt when turning my head to either side.
Well let me tell ya, that was not the way to try and fix
it by falling on my head! 






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