Wow, I got up from my nap and it felt a little warm in here.
I had opened the windows and turned on fans
before laying down. Checked the temperature outside
and it says we're at 81/82 degrees. Woo Hoo!
I read that we're at risk for
severe thunderstorms between today
and Thursday with winds winds and hail.
It's official, I finally got the first pair
of shorts out of storage for my son to wear.
My weather thermometer is showing
83.3 degrees outside.
It's in the shade and not in direct sunlight.
I started having problems again with the
sciatic nerve since
Sunday when we went on our hike.
Been limping along from the pain
Been limping along from the pain
which starts from my left buttock
and travels down to my left calf.
3:00 - 4:30pm
I've been teaching the kids how to barter.
Barter is a system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money.
For example,
I have things that we have found that we have no use for.
They may have great value to others so I bartered
a gaming keyboard worth about $80
for computer repair services, accessories and games.
I decided since it was so nice out and
the ibuprofen was actually working so I could
get around without limping so bad
that I would spend a little time outside
soaking up some free Vitamin D
and spray paint all my photo frames a flat black.
I took all the glass and pictures out of each
frame before doing so.
It never fails that when I want to spray paint
something it is always windy outside.
So with the wind came some pretty
black hands from the over spray.
To remove the spray paint from my hands
I used hand sanitzer. I rubbed it around
on my hands and then took a dish sponge
with a plastic scratcher on the backside
to gently scrub the paint off.
I got all the pictures put back together
and back on the picture ledge.
Hubby asked why I painted all the picture
frames all a flat black. I told him him
it was easier on the eyes and made
the photos stand out more.
Eventually I'd like to have all the
photos done in black and white print
with a white mat.
We was going to have meatball subs yesterday
but mom brought over some ribs, gravy
and mashed potatoes for our supper.
Sooo today's supper is meatball subs.
One child wanted a regular sub while
the rest of us had open faced subs.
Been busy this evening.
Went through everything out under the carport
and got it all cleaned up.
It's like Winter hit and we never got around
to getting everything put away before the cold air set in
so it was left that way all Winter long.
Got the back end of my truck loaded again
with things to go to the trash, scrap yard
and a tire that needs redone from our blue TA
where the bead went bad around the rim
causing it to go flat.
You can always find out if it is the bead or stem
leaking by adding dish soap to water in a spray
bottle and spray around the rim.
If there's a leak there will be bubbles.
By the time I was done with everything it was dark out.
So headed in the house and got my one son's
bangs trimmed up and gave my hubby
a hair cut. Then got everything laid out
for everyone for school and work tomorrow.
All I can say is thank goodness for ibuprofen.
If it wasn't for that stuff I wouldn't have
been able to do much of anything tonight.
I hurt pretty good earlier today until I finally
gave in and took some around 3:00pm.
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