Sunday, March 3, 2013



It seems like I've been going to Dollar Tree a lot lately.
Stopped in there today to get some AA batteries.
You can't beat a buck for a pack of 8 batteries.
I browsed around the food section some
and found a good deal on some Mrs. Dash seasoning.
If you are looking to reduce your salt intake
this stuff is great.  I'm going to say it runs
about $3.00 for a 2.5 ounce jar in grocery stores,
maybe more as it's been awhile since I've bought any.
Well I found this 7.5 ounce of Mrs Dash 
salt-free seasoning at Dollar Tree for only a buck!
I got the onion and herb seasoning blend but
they did have a garlic and herb blend as well.
I thought it was a really good deal to share.


Been working around the house, doing laundry,
watching the nascar race and running to and
from hubby's work doing emergency calls.
Oh and trying to research cameras.
I need another camera and trying to find
one is giving me a headache.
We did stop in Microcenter so I could
look at their cameras and to see what they
had to offer and check out the features on each one.
One things I don't like on most of the newer
cameras is that they don't have viewfinders.
AHHH, I use mine all the time when it's sunny outside
as I can't see the lcd screen too well.  Plus when
you're battery is running down you can use
the viewfinder instead to get more out of your battery.
Using the lcd screen draws more energy from your battery.
It just doesn't make sense that they are doing away with this

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