Monday, February 11, 2013



I didn't sleep worth a crap last night.
My lower backache kept me up most of the night
with stabbing pains.  How nice.
Especially when I have laundry to get done,
a futon to move with help from hubby
from the carport to the kids bedroom
and a small tv stand and tv to load into the truck.
I've done a lot of heavy lifting this past week
and are paying the price for it.


Me and hubby are sitting here asking one another,
what do you think was the worst test driven
vehicle we've ever drove was?
I said I've got the top two that come to
mind immediately and both were from car lots.

#1.  Many years ago we test drove a Chevy pickup.
I was pregnant at the time.
The damn thing broke down on us during our
test drive.  We had to walk a couple miles
back to the car lot in the heat and I was
ready to throw the keys at the car lot attendant.

#2.  I hate to say this but this was also a
Chevy pickup truck.   The car lot person
went on and on about how good this truck was
so we took it for a test drive.
That was the worst smoking vehicle
I had ever been in.  It looked like it was on fire!
I was so embarrassed and thought we were for sure
going to get pulled over by a police officer
due to the trail of thick black smoke it left behind us. 


Well I feel stupid.  Went to Kroger earlier and I got
an ear wax removal kit for $7.99 for my one
son and hubby who gets a lot of wax build up.
Hubby's had to go to the doctor before to have wax
removed and doc was kind enough to cause bleeding
in his ear and had hurt his eardrum
which caused much much more pain than
he had to begin with.
Anyways I read on the bottle of ear wax remover
that all it was, was olive oil!  AHHH!
I could have bought a much larger bottle of
olive oil had I known that at about the same price and put drops in 
their ears by way of a medicine dropper.
The kit also included a bottle with squirter
lid to flush the ear out with warm water.
I'm sure I could have found something around
the house to put water in their ears.
Kicking myself in the rear at the moment.



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