Friday, May 23, 2014



It's been slow going for me today.
I took a nap earlier and that usually refreshes me
but this time I still feel like I could of slept
for a couple of hours more and cannot get it in gear.
I've been having more bathroom trips than normal
and twinges of pain in my stomach and lower abdomen.
I'm hoping it passes because those stomach
pains kinda freak me out after my last hospital trip.
They got so bad they put me on pain medication,
the good stuff, the kind that knocks you out
or makes you talk all weird like you're drunk.

I just got done going through everything I found
last night.  I think I only kept half of what I got.
And who's to say how much of the keeper pile I'll 
keep because I have yet to try some of those
clothes on.  You'd think I would have looked forward
to going through everything and I just wanted
to be done with it.


Ain't feeling with it.  Body is throbbing,
stomach hurts at times and I have no energy.
I've done nothing but lay around and watch tv
since picking up the kids.
I haven't even started supper yet.
Maybe when hubby gets home we'll go
to Kroger to get something easy to make,
pre made and/or can go into the microwave
or oven.


Me and hubby went to his work to round
up some scrap metal to take in tomorrow.
Hubby wants to go to the race track Saturday
and this is the way he plans to fund admission
and food to take.
Let's hope I have a little bit more energy by then.

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