Wednesday, May 8, 2013



I am still waiting for the rain to go away.
They have predicted rain all the way to Sunday.
I can't work on my gutter garden til I
get some decent weather because I need
to silicone the connectors and end caps on.

Starting Monday we're looking at high temps
in the mid 50's to mid 60's with lows
around 37-44 degrees.

Here is an update on some of the plants
that will go in the garden once it's done.

Celery is starting to leaf out in the center.
This is your normal celery you purchase in the store.
Cut off the bottom and put it in a shallow dish with water.
6 days after putting it in the dish!

9 days after putting some potatoes with some eyes
into cups of water.

These pots have some Dianthus in them
that I had to dig up from the garden area
to make room for the gutters.
I purchased them last year at Lowes for $1.00 a plant
in their clearance section.
They are coming back good this year.
Might plant them in a few pots around the front step.


I'm trying really hard to work on the gutter garden.
This really is a two person job but I'm the only
one here to do it.  At times I just have to walk away
and take a breather.  What I'm finding to be a pain is
the area by the fence I dug out last year to make
kinda flat.  Where that area meets the yard is where
the yard starts to slope upwards.
Pain in the ass to have to stand on the slope
and work on the gutters in the flatter area without leaning or 
falling forward into my project.
I got the connectors on.  Still need to put the end caps on,
level everything out then silicone the pieces to make
water tight.  I get this feeling that leveling
out 30 feet of gutter is not going to be easy.

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